"Fear isn’t just a passing shadow; it’s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. " - Deepstash
"Fear isn’t just a passing shadow; it’s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. "

"Fear isn’t just a passing shadow; it’s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. "

Fear isn’t just a passing shadow; it’s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. While others speak of courage, I struggle not to be consumed by an emptiness that grows more familiar each day. Perhaps the greatest terror is accepting that, deep down, fear is all I have left.Fear... Everyone says it’s normal, but what do they really know about it? For me, fear is a shadow that never leaves, a ghost that haunts me even in moments of quiet. It’s a constant, suffocating presence, a voice whispering in the back of my mind, telling me I’ll never be good enough, that I’ll never be strong enough.


26 reads



This post is for those who fear facing the unknown or the familiar. Fear isn’t just a passing shadow; it’s a constant presence that can consume us. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and to struggle. Remember, even in the darkest moments, there’s a small spark of hope that one day we might find the courage to confront our fears, even if just a little.

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