"Dark Perspective"-Chapter 1.2 - TERRIFIED - Deepstash
"Dark Perspective"-Chapter 1.2 - TERRIFIED

"Dark Perspective"-Chapter 1.2 - TERRIFIED

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"Fear isnโ€™t just a passing shadow; itโ€™s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. "

"Fear isnโ€™t just a passing shadow; itโ€™s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. "

Fear isnโ€™t just a passing shadow; itโ€™s a constant presence that feeds on my soul. While others speak of courage, I struggle not to be consumed by an emptiness that grows more familiar each day. Perhaps the greatest terror is accepting that, deep down, fear is all I have left.Fear... Everyone says itโ€™s normal, but what do they really know about it? For me, fear is a shadow that never leaves, a ghost that haunts me even in moments of quiet. Itโ€™s a constant, suffocating presence, a voice whispering in the back of my mind, telling me Iโ€™ll never be good enough, that Iโ€™ll never be strong enough.


26 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify">Fe...

Fear... Everyone says itโ€™s normal, but what do they really know about it? For me, fear is a shadow that never leaves, a ghost that haunts me even in moments of quiet. Itโ€™s a constant, suffocating presence, a voice whispering in the back of my mind, telling me Iโ€™ll never be good enough, that Iโ€™ll never be strong enough. And when it takes hold of me, it feels like my heart is going to implode, crushed by the weight of the entire universe, and my mind starts to crumble, piece by piece.


17 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify"><b...

Iโ€™m terrified when people look at me. Their eyes pierce through my soul, as if theyโ€™re unraveling all my secrets, all my darkest fears. I see judgment in their eyes, even if it might not be there. Or maybe it is, and I just canโ€™t tell the difference between whatโ€™s real and what fear creates in my mind anymore. Every word that leaves their mouths feels like a sentence, a condemnation of the failure that I am.


17 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify"><b...

Everyone has fears, I know. But mine feels different, like itโ€™s... incurable. Itโ€™s a fear that doesnโ€™t just live in me but feeds on me, draining any trace of hope I might have. Itโ€™s a black hole that consumes everything around it, leaving only a cold, desperate emptiness. They talk about facing your fears, but how do you face something thatโ€™s already become a part of who you are? How do you open that door when youโ€™re already so lost on the inside?


17 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify"><b...

They say that on the other side of that door lies courage, freedom, peace. But what do they know? Theyโ€™ve never been in my place, never felt this suffocating despair, this cowardice that eats away at every fiber of my being. For them, itโ€™s easy to talk about overcoming, about moving forward, but for me... for me, every step toward that door feels like an invitation to ruin, a promise that, if I cross it, Iโ€™ll shatter completely.


12 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify"><b...

And what if I fail? What if Iโ€™m not strong enough? No one talks about that, about what happens when you try to be brave and all you find is more pain, more emptiness, more loneliness. The scars donโ€™t fade away, they pile up, turning into burdens I donโ€™t know how to carry. And every day, I feel like Iโ€™m losing myself a little more, like Iโ€™m drowning in a sea of despair from which I donโ€™t know how to escape.



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<p class="ql-align-justify"><b...

I wish I could be brave, could look the world in the eye and not feel like Iโ€™m falling into an endless abyss. I wish I could believe thereโ€™s something better waiting for me on the other side of this darkness. But deep down, all I see is more darkness, more emptiness, and I wonder if Iโ€™ll ever find a way out. Maybe the truth is that fear has already won, that itโ€™s become a part of me, and I donโ€™t know who I am without it anymore.


15 reads

<p class="ql-align-justify">An...

And maybe, just maybe, the greatest tragedy is that deep down, I donโ€™t want to find a way out. Because fear, with all its pain and suffering, is the only thing I have left, the only thing that still makes me feel anything, even if itโ€™s just a distant echo of the life I once imagined having. And maybe, in that echo, I find a strange and sad company.


13 reads



This post is for those who fear facing the unknown or the familiar. Fear isnโ€™t just a passing shadow; itโ€™s a constant presence that can consume us. Itโ€™s okay to feel overwhelmed and to struggle. Remember, even in the darkest moments, thereโ€™s a small spark of hope that one day we might find the courage to confront our fears, even if just a little.


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