Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai (@gbiondizoccai) - Deepstash

Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai

’s Ideas

63 ideas


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Sanford C. Goldberg’s Internalism and Externalism in Semantics and Epistemology explores the debate between internalism, which argues that justification depends on internal mental states, and externalism, which emphasizes external factors like truth and causality. The book is important for addressing how these theories impact knowledge, skepticism, and our understanding of justification.

Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy emphasizes the central role of epistemology in modern philosophy, exploring the evolution of knowledge theories. It highlights skepticism's impact, the integration of logic in clarifying philosophical questions, and the limits of empirical methods. The book underscores philosophy's unique position between science and theology.

Nancy Cartwright's How the Laws of Physics Lie argues that fundamental laws in physics describe idealized models rather than reality. She emphasizes the importance of phenomenological laws and causal explanations for practical knowledge. The book challenges traditional views of scientific explanation, highlighting the limitations of theoretical laws

Aristotle's Posterior Analytics explores how knowledge is acquired through demonstration, built on pre-existing knowledge, and grounded in first principles. It emphasizes the role of syllogism in scientific reasoning and the distinction between induction and deduction. This work is foundational for understanding the structure and process of obtaining true knowledge

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics explores how moral knowledge is acquired through experience and habitual practice. It emphasizes practical wisdom (phronesis) as essential for applying ethical principles in real-life situations. The work is important for highlighting the role of reason and deliberation in achieving virtue and making sound moral decisions.

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Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai


Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai is a renowned expert in cardiology, medical research methodology and evidence synthesis


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