Vasuki Sriram Anivilla (@sri303) - Deepstash

Vasuki Sriram Anivilla

’s Ideas

103 ideas


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A deep dive into integrating Emotional Intelligence and MBTI with your productivity system for sustainable results.

India's real estate dominance is deeply rooted in culture, security, and economic trends. While diversification will grow, property will remain a key asset. Understanding MBTI and EQ helps explain how different personalities make investment decisions.

Covering investment styles in India from a psychological perspective, incorporating MBTI types and emotional intelligence

Investment Methods, Decision Influencers and MBTI Psychological Traits aiming to develop an understanding of how intrinsic psychology impacts financial decision making, leading to different investment preferences and results.

🔥 75

Vasuki Sriram Anivilla


Analytical I/O Counsellor


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