IVC Part - 7 (Chanhudaro) - Deepstash
IVC Part - 7 (Chanhudaro)

IVC Part - 7 (Chanhudaro)

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Quick Facts About Chanhu- daro (1)

Quick Facts About Chanhu- daro (1)

  1.  Only city without citadel in entire IVC.
  2.  Chanhu-daro is an archaeological site of the great Indus Valley Civilization near the banks of the legendary river Sarasvati.
  3. The settlement was established somewhere between 4000 BCE and 1700 BCE, and is considered to have been a Centre for assembling carnelian globules or bead-making manufacturing industry.
  4. This site is a gathering of three low hills that were once a part of a solitary settlement, nearly 5 hectares in size.


15 reads

Quick Facts About Chanhu- daro (2)

Quick Facts About Chanhu- daro (2)

  1. At "Chanhu-daro", baked bricks were widely used to construct houses. Several buildings have been classified as workshops or industrial areas, and some of Chanhu-daro’s structures may have served as warehouses.
  2. Sesame (seed) which was indigenous to South Africa has been found in Chanhu-daro and other Harappan sites. It was likely grown for oil at these sites. Additionally, Chanhu-daro grows peas.


9 reads

1. Who discovered Chanhu-daro civilization?

1. Who discovered Chanhu-daro civilization?

"Chanhudaro" was first uncovered by N. G. Majumdar (Nani Gopal Majumdar)  in March 1931, and again during the winter field meeting of 1935-36 by the American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and the Museum of Fine Arts.

"About N.G. Majumdar: Nani Gopal Majumdar was an Indian archaeologist who is credited with having discovered 62 Indus Valley Civilization sites in Sindh including Chanhudaro". 


14 reads

2. Was Lipstick Found In Chanhu-daro?

2. Was Lipstick Found In Chanhu-daro?

Archaeologists assume regarding the Harappans’ potential usage of cinnabar after finding traces of the mercury ore in the IVC sites, which is also used to produce lipstick, sindoor, & other products & discovered something they believe to be lipsticks at Chanhu-daro.

"Additionally, figures from the Nausharo archaeological site in modern-day Pakistan that date from 2800 to 2600 BCE had red pigment traces in the section of their hair that resembles the sindoor worn by married women in India today".


11 reads

3. Other Important Things Found at Chanhu-daro:

3. Other Important Things Found at Chanhu-daro:

  1. Apart from Lipstick & sindoor other important findings & excavations were a comb made of Ivory, mirrors made up of copper and bronze, axes, vessels, spears, razors, tools, dishes, etc.
  2. There were plates and bowls, terracotta wagon models, and a miniature terracotta bird that can whistle when blown.
  3. Male spear thrower or dancer—a damaged figure of great significance (4.1cm) that was discovered at "Chanhudaro" & is currently on exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, USA.


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4. Other Important Things Found at Chanhu-daro (2)

4. Other Important Things Found at Chanhu-daro (2)

  1. "Chanhudaro" produced metalwork, beads made of various materials, steatite seals, & shell bangles.
  2. Chanhudaro, Harappa, & Rakhigarhi all include evidence of cotton textile remnants that have been preserved on silver or copper artifacts.
  3. The discovery of iron objects in Chanhudaro, Ahar, Rajasthan (India), & Mundigak is significant because it supports the theory that South Asia manufactured iron throughout the third millennium.


8 reads

5. Why is Chanhu-daro called Lancashire of India?

5. Why is Chanhu-daro called Lancashire of India?

"Chanhudaro" known as the Lancashire of India because Lancashire literally means a mild white cheese with a crumbly texture. Mumbai is called the 'Lancashire of India'.


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6. Is Chanhu-daro a Harappan site?

6. Is Chanhu-daro a Harappan site?

The "Chanhu-daro" site is located in Sindh, Pakistan, south of Mohenjo-daro. Between 4000 and 1700 BCE, the settlement was occupied. The city of Chanhu-daro is the only Harappan city without a defensive castle


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7. Why is Chanhudaro famous?

7. Why is Chanhudaro famous?

"Chanhu-daro" is a Harappan site. It is a tiny settlement (less than 7 hectares) as compared to other Harappan sites such as Mohenjodaro (125 hectares). The site is almost exclusively devoted to craft production, including bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-working, seal-making and weight-making


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8. What crafts did Chanhu-daro produce?

8. What crafts did Chanhu-daro produce?

Chanhu-daro was exclusively devoted to craft production, including bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-working, seal-making, and weight-making


6 reads

9. What is found in Chanhu-daro

9. What is found in Chanhu-daro

At "Chanhu-daro", evidence of shell craftsmanship was discovered, and bangles and ladles were created. Harappan seals were typically created in larger towns such as Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, & Chanhudaro, which were part of the administrative network.


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10. Does Chanhu-daro have citadel?

10. Does Chanhu-daro have citadel?

"Chanhu-daro" (Sindh, Pakistan) was a city without a citadel in the Indus Valley Civilization.


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11. Why Lancashire is famous

11. Why Lancashire is famous

"Lancashire" in Britain was the first place where spinning and weaving of cotton into fabric began and it was the hub of cotton and textile mills . This place was responsible for half of the world's cotton production


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