Is Christianity and Western world same? - Deepstash
Is Christianity and Western world same?

Is Christianity and Western world same?

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What Is Christianity

What Is Christianity

Most of the people don't know exactly what Christianity is about. Just everyone hear those "Christian names" or kind of rituals or going to Church in movies or songs. Well no doubt,it is a religion but it has far deeper meanings.


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Western World

Western World

The link between the present western world and Christianity is almost null! Yes! Sounds weird right? We say majority of the populations are Christians but they are just name bearers. A true Christian can be simply identified from their actions.


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  1. Loving behaviour
  2. Practicing kindness
  3. Being Humble
  4. Forgiving
  5. Merciful
  6. Bearer of sufferings
  7. Act of charity
  8. Giving all glory to God
  9. Praying
  10. Faithful
  11. Gratitude
  12. Practicing morality


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1. Loving Behavior

1. Loving Behavior

Well everyone can love those who love them back. But it requires the grace of God to love someone who hurts and demeans you. Jesus said to love your enemies. So a Christian who practices such is a TRUE CHRISTIAN.


6 reads

2. Practicing Kindness

2. Practicing Kindness

How kind a person can be ? The answer is infinite just like Jesus was and is infinitely kind to human race. He knew those whom he healed of their blindness, deafness,diseases, paralysis etc were going to crucify Him. Yet He never sent away anyone who came to Him asking for healness.


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3. Being Humble

3. Being Humble

While the world says if you want to conquer the world, you have to be the most powerful and master of all. Jesus said just one thing, "If you want to become the greatest of all, you must serve others." A true Christian serves other in humility and doesn't wish to become the master of all because God is the only MASTER.


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4. Forgiving

4. Forgiving

Not all can forgive anything wrong that happens to them. People made strong by God can only forgive. Jesus said to forgive seventy seven times which indirectly means infinite times. A True Christian never remains angry or seeks revenge from others but forgives like Christ who on the cross said,"Father forgive them for they do not know what they do."


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5. Merciful

5. Merciful

Today the world often lack this quality. They forget to be merciful and are harsh on others. They don't empathize. A True Christian knows what it means to be merciful. They empathize and understand the sufferings of others. Jesus said," Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."


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6. Bearer Of Sufferings

6. Bearer Of Sufferings

We are so much used to the term "divorce". We see parents are often divorced in the western part. The western world has just one solution to every problem : NEVER ENDURE. How many families are torn apart because the parents are unable to bear each other in love? Well, a true Christian never gives up on their marriage because they are aware that Christ is the head of the family and surely everything can change through prayer. An abusing husband or wife can change miraculously by prayer ,but it requires patience to bear the initial sufferings.


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7. Act Of Charity

7. Act Of Charity

A true Christian is always ready to give than take. He or she knows that there is much joy in giving than receiving. Christ gave Himself even His flesh for those who didn't even know Him. Helping others is always practiced by a True Christian.


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8. Giving All Glory To Christ

8. Giving All Glory To Christ

A True Christian knows that he owns nothing but everything he achieved is through the grace of God. So he or she gives all the glory to God than receiving it to himself or herself.


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9. Praying

9. Praying

Prayer is communication with God. Whatever the situation maybe whether happy or sad, a True Christian never forgets to call upon the name of God

She or He prays always for themselves, dear ones and world. They are near to God.


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A True Christian is identified by the faithfulness he or she shows to the work or any matter that they have been assigned to. They know how important it is to be faithful just like Christ was to His Father.


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11. Gratitude

11. Gratitude

Always being grateful to God and people even if they are going through adverse circumstances.


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12. Practicing Morality

12. Practicing Morality

Today the world doesn't believe anymore in being moral. It believes that you should not stop yourself from anything that gives you joy and pleasure. Practicing sex outside marriage is never a Christian value. God has always forbidden fornication and adultery. A True Christian waits until marriage and practices holiness of marriage.


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<p>Westernization and Christia...

Westernization and Christianity are totally different terms. While Westernization focuses on way of lives to be lived, Christianity focuses on meaning of life.

Today the western culture has almost no connection to Christianity. Although there are few people who are faithful Christians but most are just name bearers. They break and modify the religion in the way they want it to be.


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