Wake up: Think outside the box - Deepstash
Wake up: Think outside the box

Wake up: Think outside the box

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94 ideas


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We Are So Little

We Are So Little

Look at the universe, see how many galaxys, stars and planets have, we are just a tiny blue dot lost in space where there are people who belive there are something, where our prejudices, complexes, worries and all the people we know and don't know are. (People who belive they are superior, inferior important or not important.)

But not all is depression and sadness, because we are a jewel in the wasteland.


38 reads


“Humanity is so insignificant if we compare it with the Universe, that the fact of being handicapped does not have much cosmic importance.”



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“The sum of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of self-assured religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and gatherer, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, Every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every moral teacher, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there – on a speck. of dust suspended in a ray of sun.”



20 reads

We Are So Ephimeral

We Are So Ephimeral

When we thing of all the time that we spend on earth, we realize that is so short.

A third of all that time is spent sleeping, the other half is spent working, and only a fraction is enjoyed.

Most of us in a few generations will be forgotten as if we had never existed.

We were dead for an eternity, a life of the blink of an eye and we died for another eternity.

It is a happy blink of an eye if we want to.


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"Time is like a river that quickly sweeps away everything that is born."



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"Live as if you were going to die tomorrow; learn as if the world would last forever."



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"Life is too short to be bored."



27 reads

Most of what we do doesn't matter after death

Most of what we do doesn't matter after death

When we die we don't realize if people remember us or not, if we did or didn't do anything, or if we were poor or millionaires.

We toiled after material things, abstractions, other people and many other things only to realize that at the time of our death most things are just like chasing the wind; They don't take you anywhere, such as: We want money and fame; Ok, we may or may not get them, but there is one thing that all living beings have in common: We are all going to die one day, whether we are wise or foolish, millionaires or poor, all that will fade into the void of death.


10 reads

Life Doesn't Make sense Without Death.

Life Doesn't Make sense Without Death.

Without death, we don't appreciate life, and it will be meaningless.

I'm not saying that it's better to not care about anything and waste your life, but live well, happy and with a meaningfull life, honoring the people you are here for.


15 reads


“I watched everything that happened under the sun, and to tell the truth, nothing makes sense, it's like chasing the wind.”



11 reads


"Death is the lesser of all evils."



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“A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”



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"If you want to live, prepare to die."



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The Miracle Of Life

The Miracle Of Life

I know, many things won't matter after death, but that doesn't mean everything doesn't mean anything.

We are a miracle, because the chances of you being here reading this are 0, just think about it: The beginning of the universe, the formation of planets or what we know as existence itself, the evolution to humans, each generation of yours surviving to reproduce with the correct sperm with the correct egg without interruptions until you; You are the latest model car of your lineage. So, live happily and take advantage of your time (Despite all the "depressing" realities I mentioned above).


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"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional".



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"Hope is the dream of the waking man."



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“The passage of time wrinkles your skin, but the lack of enthusiasm wrinkles your soul.”



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Butterfly Efect

Butterfly Efect

What we do or say can impact people, whether good or bad, in some cases changing entire generations.

Whatever our ancestors did or didn't do, they define the world we live in now.

If you decide to help someone, teach them something or something else with which you can interact with someone else, leaving them something, you are changing that person's future, not by speaking exaggeratedly, but you are only leaving a seed inside.

Even you are the seeds that other people have left in you, making you the person tha you are.

In some cultures there is karma, where everything you do, will happen to you.


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Don't you think that the world we live in is too exact to be a coincidence?

All the constants of the universe are perfectly aligned for us to be here, if a number of those constants had been more or less, we would not be here, it is like a desert in which if we move a grain of sand, we change EVERYTHING.

We could think about Boltzmann's brain theory: In a place with enough time, all the possibilities could occur and we could be one of them. But in that theory, who created the nothing?, or where does that energy come from where things suddenly arise?: An infinite energy or supreme programmer.


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"God does not play dice"



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Master Consciousness

Master Consciousness

He is the programmer and artist who has put everything we know today to work.

Also called God, Mother Nature, Destiny, Universe and even strings.

The "Atheists", or the people who are hurt by the very wrong religion, do not call him God, they do not want to know anything about that name, instead they call him the previous names. We are consciousnesses fleeing from the chaos of confusion, trying to understand what is happening around us, but we would never understand it; we are far from it.


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"What we call chance is and cannot be but the unknown cause of an unknown effect."



12 reads


"Happiness and freedom begin with the clear understanding of one principle: some things are under our control and others are not."



10 reads


“The first sip of science makes you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.”



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Master Consciousness 2

Master Consciousness 2

If we are here trying to understand everything, aware of our existence, it is because the universe can create consciousness; We are equal to the master consciousness, we are the universe observing itself.

Look at the neurons, now look at the superclusters of galaxies, look at the solar system, now look at the atoms; we live inside a master consciousness.

Another point that must be covered is the principle of causality: Every effect has its cause, and it is an unbreakable law which can tell us about an intelligence behind creation.


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Master Consciousness 3

Master Consciousness 3

Even in the most daring theories it is said that it could be a huge entity like a person who programmed all of reality and that everything is actually just a program, but we cannot say for sure.


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Master Consciousness 4

Master Consciousness 4

Here they talk about an official CIA document, where they tell us that if we make the brain waves oscillate below the planck distance we awaken consciousness, and it talks about the “Absolute” which is an infinite energy that encompasses all dimensions and that through experiments they achieved a connection with “The” and that the “Absolute” fits perfectly to the description of 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓


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“At night, especially, it is beautiful to believe in the light.”



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"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens, which neither sow nor reap; they have no cellar or barn, and {yet} God feeds them; how much more valuable are you than the birds!



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As beings equal to consciousness, being children of the boss, we have a lot of potential but there are people for whom that is not convenient, but we will talk about that at another point.

It is the connection with the supreme consciousness, which makes everything possible for us. An example is the case of Pachita where she had the ability to create organs from nothing, or in the case of the teacher and savior Jesus, in which he could walk on water, heal other people and more. In other cultures is: Astral travel. Those are the people who are outside this physical plane, outside the matrix.


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“I think, therefore I am”



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Potential 2

Potential 2

As spirit and soul with a body and not a body with spirit and soul, which are actually on another plane, they give us the capabilities: Spirit: One of them is to be able to meditate to balance the chakras (called that in some cultures) to connect with the higher power and be one with the universe. Soul: Being able to feel and have consciousness. The mind and body are already like 2 extras... Mind: It makes us think, memorize, imagine and a few things that other animals cannot. Body: Being able to move, express ourselves and live all kinds of experiences, only counting a few.


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Potential 3

Potential 3

One of the ways to access that potential is by activating the pineal gland, also called the third eye, to enhance your spirit and your being.


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"We only know the final product of our brain processing, but we confuse it with reality itself."



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"Human actions are the interpreters of our thoughts."



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What is our purpose? Why are we here? I don't know, no one really knows.

Many think it is to reproduce, others to be happy and others think it is to help others and maybe they are right, maybe not.

The wisest person who walked this world tells us that the best thing we can do is: Eat, drink and enjoy the reward of our work.

Others think that it is following the commandments of the creator, the teacher and believing and accepting them.

There is a story that tells us that humanity is a single being reincarnated in all lives and that we only have to mature until we reach God.

But no one really knows.


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"There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going."



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The present is here and now, and it is fleeting, we go second by second in our life, and two of the ways to live it is with meditation, concentrating on ourselves and the environment and the other is to enjoy EVERY moment of our life.


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"There are as many nights as there are days, and each one lasts as long as the day that comes after. Even the happiest life cannot be measured without a few moments of darkness, and the word happy would lose all meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. "



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"If you always do what you always did; You always get what you always got."



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Present 2

Present 2

Many times we become disappointed with our past, becoming anxious because we did or did not do in the past; On the other hand is when we worry about the future, worrying if everything will be okay or about many other things. But there comes a moment when we realize everything is in its time, that everything that happens arrives when it has to arrive with whatever it has to arrive; If we doubt something, we just have to know that only time will tell us.


3 reads


"If it has a solution, why do you worry? If it doesn't have a solution, why do you worry?"



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Present 3

Present 3

If you think about it, everything is cyclical, history often repeats itself, similar events in your life repeat themselves, one day we are up and other days down, as some cultures call jing and jang, without one, the other cannot exist; Without bad days, good days would have no meaning; You have to be unbalanced for a while to really realize what we can change and thus achieve true balance.


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Strange Phenomena

Strange Phenomena

Dreams, why do we dream and how do they work?: Nobody knows, it is a mystery, in some beliefs they are gifts where you can predict the future, in other beliefs they are hidden meanings about your mental state that your own mind makes, we cannot prove anything.


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Strange Phenomena 2

Strange Phenomena 2

Dejavus, what are they? Nobody knows either, things have been theorized about that, and the First is: Transfers between multiverses, at the moment of dejavu, it is when you have moved to another universe due to the collision between those 2. The Second : Short-term memories become long-term; What we are seeing (short term) immediately becomes a memory(long term). Third: Past lives; In this theory the universe is cyclical and we are returning for the same thing again. And Fourth; Gifts that make you see the future.

These are characteristics that only humans have.


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Strange Phenomena 3

Strange Phenomena 3

Past lives:Some people feel like they are old souls, when they dont fit anywhere, being more mature for their age and in some cultures it's believed that it's due to reincarnation that they have already lived other lives, which is because they made mistakes in their past lives, either or They pay them in their own life or in their next lives.

All those phenomena that happen are true; the other are only theories but that does not take away the fact that they are strange things that we do not understand why they happen to us;The theories may or may not be true but there are things we don't know.


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We are energy, frequency and vibration.

We are vibrations, when someone is angry, we can feel it or when someone is happy we feel it too but over time we have lost that ability. Animals and babies are more sensitive to these vibrations, because they are innocent, they have not been corrupted by the world; even the theories of quantum physics such as string theory in which it tells us: That everything is vibration, everything that happens is the result of one-dimensional strings that govern the universe.


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Metaphysical 2

Metaphysical 2

We are frequency, that is the reason why we connect with music, sound engineering with which certain parts of the brain can be stimulated. As an example with music:If the person making the music wants us to fall asleep or try to sell us a message, he can use those frequencies. As an example of how we vibrate, this is: When we vibrate low we call bad things because everything is frequency, energy and vibration. As I said, the same is true with high vibrations, we attract what we are.

We are like the master consciousness, it is good vibrations, also seen as the creative strings of string theory.


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Metaphysical 3

Metaphysical 3

One of the ways in which we vibrate is manifested in two ways according to studies: With your emotions that half a meter in front of our heart vibrate our emotions and people can perceive it unconsciously and that one meter above our head our thoughts are manifested.

As an extra: Other people think that the soul is in our throat because some say that it comes from the word throat and because there we mostly feel the emotions.


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Reality: What Is It?

Reality: What Is It?

In quantum physics there is string theory: It talks about one-dimensional strings that govern a universe of 10 dimensionsand their vibrations explain the 4 fundamental forces of the universe, however 5 theories are formulated that do not contradict each other.

Well, this is where M-theory comes in, which unifies the 5 theories into one; saying that instead of strings they are two-dimensional branes that govern a universe of 11 dimensions.


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Reality: What Is It? 2

Reality: What Is It? 2

Others talk about the matrix theory, which talks about a supercomputer that entities more advanced than us created it in which we all live, but also some believe this because some attest to having seen and recorded the "flaws in reality" that they cannot explain.

Others talk about us being inside a giant consciousness and that God is the universe itself.


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As someone who has dedicated his entire life to the most lucid science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research on atoms this: There is no such thing as matter in itself. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force that makes the particles of an atom vibrate and holds together this tiny solar system of the atom. We must assume that behind this force there is a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.



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Reality: What Is It? 3

Reality: What Is It? 3

There is also the infamous theory of quantum gravity loops, which tells us of a non-continuous universe where small loops make up all the space and time making a kind of foam but this only explains gravity (1 force of 4 in the universe).

A very famous theory is the one that talks about multiverses but there are 2 meanings for this:

1:For every decision that we make or that have been made or for every event in the history of the universe, different universes were created where it is based on those events or decisions.

2: That there are different universes with other laws very different from ours.


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Reality: What Is It 4

Reality: What Is It 4

One of the most interesting ones talks about that in an infinite universe where the most probable is entropy but everything that is possible will happen, thus breaking entropy, is Boltzman's Brain. So knowing this, in an infinite time it is very too improbable but not impossible to form a bowl of soup (anything) or in this theory to form a brain in the middle of nowhere and making everything you think you have lived, gone through and your reality itself is only a product of that brain in the middle of an infinite universe.

Or is it just an infinite universe, with no beginning and no end.


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Reality: How did it start?

Reality: How did it start?

The most famous theory talks about the Big Bang which was a state of very high density and temperature, concentrated in a minimum point. Its enormous internal forces provoked a gigantic explosion (hence the name bigbang) that gave rise to the universe, time and space.

There is also the big bounce that is the same as the bigbang but it is an infinite cycle (I'll talk about that later).


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Reality: How did it start? 2

Reality: How did it start? 2

Here we return to Boltzman who was the one who gave the idea of boltzman's brain to Arthur Stanley Eddington, but before that boltzman himself talked about his theory of the origin of the universe, saying that the most probable and natural state of things was entropy, so it was very improbable that the universe was so ordered, so the origin of the universe was in a metauniverse where in an infinite space and time (as we talked about before) everything possible becomes possible, then the whole universe is one of those very improbable possibilities.

Here also fits the theory that it is infinite. 


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Reality: How did it start? 3

Reality: How did it start? 3

But all this makes me go to a single point: If the universe came from nothing (Boltzman's brain) or the universe came from an accumulated energy (bigbang) who created that nothingness or where does that infinite energy come from to make the universe work and who also gave its origin?

It is an entity far above all of us that governs the universe, it is an infinite energy and it is the universe itself many times called GOD.


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Reality: How does it end?

Reality: How does it end?

One of the theories is the Big Rip, which tells us about the expansion of the universe accelerating so much that it would be faster than light and also that gravity can no longer hold objects together, first galaxies would dissolve, then stars, black holes and finally the atoms themselves would also dissolve due to the great expansion and the universe would be an ocean of single particles that cannot interact with each other.


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Reality: How does it end? 2

Reality: How does it end? 2

The other theory is that of the Big Freeze, which is a reality in which everything that exists tends to pass into a state of high entropy, therefore matter slowly disintegrates and expands, both planets and black holes due to the so-called Hawking radiation, everything will dissolve in quadrillions of years until there is nothing left.


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Reality: How does it end? 3

Reality: How does it end? 3

The big bounce is when the universe has expanded so much that it becomes so non-dense that it collapses on itself causing everything to contract until the atoms separate and at that moment all the black holes will become a single super mega ultra massive black needle that has all the mass of the universe and that devours itself and is a small space of energy and expands (big bang) then it would be cyclical: Expansion and contraction forever, entering to the theory that it is infinite.


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Reality: How does it end? 4

Reality: How does it end? 4

Vacuum decay is the vacuum that stores the Higgs field particles because at the creation of the universe it could not reach its point of stability also called false vacuum (where the mass of things comes from that makes friction to the particles that pass through it) and if one of those particles collapsed one day causing it to reach the true vacuum, a bubble would form in which all physics as we know it would collapse inside it,


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Reality: How does it end? 5

Reality: How does it end? 5

Here in this theory we speak of reincarnation where all your lives are new opportunities to redeem yourself and pay for your sins, offenses or anything pending until you reach the point of nirvana where you have paid for everything and are free.


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Reality: How does it end? 6

Reality: How does it end? 6

Some belive to be like a biblical apocalypse: wars, famine, disease and death. The stars will fall, the moon will turn red and the sun black. When the seven angels blow their trumpets, chaos will invade the Earth. A beast will come out of the abyss to torment the wicked, while angels will kill a third of humanity. When the seventh trumpet sounds, the heavens will open and a war will begin between angels and the devil, releasing beasts and seven plagues. Finally, Jesus will defeat the beast, throwing it into the abyss along with the wicked, and the righteous will be taken to eternal life.


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Dark Vibes

Dark Vibes

There are also bad frequencies and dark vibrations. Just as there are good ones, there are also bad ones that are external to us.

Those bad energies that make us (for example) be in a bad mood in a simple case, another where supernatural events happen in which they only scare you or if they are recurring; They stress you out and there are also those extreme cases where it is also called demonic possession where they completely take over the user, feeding on those bad vibrations; In all cases, these evil entities or bad vibrations feed on bad vibes (as a personal theory)...


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Dark Vibes 2

Dark Vibes 2

Which is the most logical thing about why they do what they do, but other people believe that they do it just to make us feel bad and that's it, but many times what moves things or living things is survival.

Diseases are also said to be the result of low vibes along with parasites, physical and non-physical.


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Unknown Creatures

Unknown Creatures

Here we could also talk about bad or good energies as unknown creatures, also called angels or demons. In a book by a person called Enoch, he talks about fallen angels or also interpreted as aliens, they taught us new technologies, with which we were able to advance very suddenly; It also talks about giant beings, who dominated us but were destroyed; in different geographical points you can see similar figures in their primitive drawings, such is the case of the bag of the gods that were found in Sumeria and America, illustrating the same thing.


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Unknown Creatures 2

Unknown Creatures 2

They also tell us about beings called reptiles but it is not only in ancient texts that we find information; In excavations in Ecuador they found remains of giant people, there are sightings and records of unknown objects and creatures, in the sea, air, space and on land.

I can't tell you to believe this, it could be true or false, but I can assure you one thing, and this is that we know nothing, we are ignorant of our own world and we still have a lot to discover.


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Unknown Creatures 3

Unknown Creatures 3

Here we talk about the origins and history of Nephilim and Reptilians

The Nephilim are creatures created from the mixture of fallen angels and humans. They gave birth to giants who at first consumed crops and all the work of man but when they did not give themselves enough, they began to consume men and creatures, revealing themselves before God. Still, God, as a form of punishment or to protect men, made the great flood, killing all people who were not of a perfect lineage, and the only ones who were saved were Noah and his family and Enoch from the outskirts of the planet, but the souls...


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Unknown Creatures 4

Unknown Creatures 4

Continuing with the theme above: The souls of the Nephilim were not in the book of life of God, sending all of these to Sheol, but those beings now manifest themselves as now called: Demons.

Now we reptilians go back to the origins when we talk about Eve's original sin, which was not eating an apple of knowledge, but rather a sexual sin with Satan and later with Adam, having a lineage of violence such as Cain (which is said to be not the son of Adam) who are later called reptilians that influence the way humans live and govern from the shadows

(This is just a summary of the entire theory)


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"The only thing I know is that I don't know anything."



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We humans have been around for a short period of time if we compare it to that of the universe; We have been around for approximately 3 million years of 14 billion years, and we have already created systems, religions, paradigms, beliefs and all kinds of knowledge just by making things "complicated."

All living beings are selfish, due to a "gene" called: selfish gene that makes us only seek for our survival, and humans are no exception, they are the pinnacle of this very thing.


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Humanity 2

Humanity 2

When I said that we are equal to the master consciousness, I was talking about us being a small but imperfect version; We are far from perfection.

We are not perfect beings, on the contrary we have many defects, which in the Christian word is sin, which originates from the Greek word: Amartia; Which means missing the point. Continuing with the topic, as I already talked about in the past, we became corrupted by this world, but we can return to our roots, eliminating defects, vibrating high, but how? connecting to the supreme consciousness, living lives out of the ordinary.


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Humanity 3

Humanity 3

There are people who call themselves "atheists", but do true atheists really exist who do not believe in a "god" or deity for them? No, not really, for them a type of deity or indirect belief are: They themselves, money, women, fame or the much acclaimed Ego.

Society is composed of the Ego; People who want to command others, wanting to command not lead (they are different things, the leader helps to grow, the boss only commands), people who believe they are better than others, discriminating against the majority, thinking or wanting to think that they are inferior.


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Humanity 4: The Tyranny Of The Mases

Humanity 4: The Tyranny Of The Mases

The masses believe that democracy exists, but the democratic system prevents that, leading to the worst of dictatorships.

They don't know how to lead their lives but they think that what they think is going to be good for fixing the world, ironically the ecosystems. Now it no longer matters if the politician is ethical and moral; The only thing that matters is that the politician is equal to the masses and their well-being, none of the good that would do society.

If you think differently, as I will say in the future: You are excluded, ridiculed or silenced.


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Humanity 5: The Origin

Humanity 5: The Origin

There are different theories, the most accepted and famous is about human evolution or hominization, in which we and all the animals on this earth have a common ancestor approximately 3.5 billion years ago and that as time passed, given the circumstance, they adapted or died, and those that adapted best survived and gave way to new species until we reached the hominids and then us as human beings (as a summary).


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Humanity 5: The Origin 2

Humanity 5: The Origin 2

The biblical origin is that God created man, forming him from the dust of the earth; From the clay he formed it. God breathed his breath into his nostrils and gave him life. From God himself man received that vital breath that makes us live, and be creatures capable of perceiving his voice. God gave this first man the name Adam, which means "the man" and made him in his image.


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Humanity 5: The Origin 3

Humanity 5: The Origin 3

Now come the most impressive theories: We are not from this planet; Humans are very different from the majority of living beings on this planet, their intelligence is similar but when we talk about ourselves, our intelligence is much superior (of course not completely), we could talk about the intelligence of other animals but the jump is natural It is a product of evolution, we shared the planet with 4 other species of intelligent monkeys 200,000 years ago. Our technology was similar for at least 100,000 years but suddenly we started producing superior technologies...(next)


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Humanity 5: The Origin 3.5

Humanity 5: The Origin 3.5

Our tools became much more complicated; The most interesting thing about this theory is that we are the only species that gets injured by the sun (under long exposure all animals suffer injuries) however we are the only ones that seem not to be able to stand it, as if our genes were not prepared to be so close to the sun, a large part of the population suffers back pain from standing for a long time, as if our backs were not made for the gravity here, we are the only ones who get sick from eating food from here, as if our stomachs were not prepared for food from here, interesting no?


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Humanity 5: The Origin 4

Humanity 5: The Origin 4

Well, one of the ways that I know of the last thing spoken (that humans are not from this planet) There are two times in which it is spoken in the intervention of superior beings, the first is the enormous difference that was created between homosapiens and the others types of hominids was because beings that in some cultures call them Anunnaki that mixed their genes to make us.

The second:Talks about fallen angels who taught us many things that would make humanity advance such as blacksmithing, agriculture, astrology, magic, sciences, and more that made us distinguish ourselves even more.


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Humanity 5: The Origin 5

Humanity 5: The Origin 5

This theory says that we are a universal virus, why?

When we look at life itself, we return to the selfish gene because living beings kill each other just to consume their energy so that only our genes survive, as I said before, humans are the pinnacle of all this, we are consuming everything, the most destructive form of life, so much so that we are killing the planet and when it can no longer contain us, we think about moving to another planet to consume it, isn't that what a virus does?


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True Rulers

True Rulers

The true rulers govern from the shadows (forgive the redundancy), those people who know things that they do not want us to know, continuing with the previous theme, those people indoctrinate the masses at their convenience.

I'm going to expand on this one a little bit more than usual.

We have been told that money is the most important thing, therefore work is everything; we spend our life time working, that the material is happiness, selling that false happiness but many continue to feel and be miserable.


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True Rulers 2

True Rulers 2

You have been taught not to think, only to follow the regime and beliefs they have imposed on you, if you think differently you are ridiculed, silenced or excluded.

You have been told that soldiers are heroes and indeed they are, but they do not tell you the other side of the coin, that they are really just numbers in a computer, they are just pawns who die for a person who only seeks "power" if that is what they really do, they continue their plans gaining money and power at the expense of others' lives.


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True Rulers 3

True Rulers 3

They tell you what to do, what not to do, what to believe, what not to believe, what is wrong and what is right by imposing fashions, agendas or in short: Their plans. All this through (before)radio, newspapers, news, television, programs, (now)movies, series, music, fashions, news, social networks, telephone and more. Actors, directors and producers are often just puppets spreading the message.

They try to sell us that money, fame, partners, technology or success to make us "happy" and fill the emptiness we have because we are disconnected from the master consciousness, but that's not enough.


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True Rulers 4

True Rulers 4

They promote porn to keep you asleep in that addiction; not only that addiction, but also drugs, liquor or sugar.

They sell you the perfect body, I'm not saying it's better to be fat or something like that, but if we are not like that, they tell us that we are not real men or women.

They promote social networks to keep you distant, with low self-esteem, comparing you, seeing and showing you only a false image of yourself and others.


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True Rulers 5

True Rulers 5

They tell us that we are terrible human beings, that we are evil with nature, and yes, maybe we are, but who sells us those products that are not good for the environment, who sells us makeup by mistreating and deforming animals to test the makeup, who sells us food by making animals suffer to death?

And I know, it could be double standards, because I could be talking now and tomorrow eating that, but it is in our nature to eat that type of food and it is necessary, but not to make animals suffer to death, that is evil.

They make the problem and they themselves sell you the solution.


5 reads

True Rulers 6

True Rulers 6

They give doctors recognition and money so that people continue consuming.

Politicians with double intentions, money laundering, bribery is what happens up there.

Most of those who are involved in fame are just more puppets.

They divide people through religions or sides: Left and right, when there is only one operating from the shadows.


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True Rulers 7

True Rulers 7

It makes us intolerant of ourselves, through social networks, if we think differently or if we question they will not tolerate you, even with what I am writing here, there are going to be people who are going to get defensive or jump because I question what they do the powerful ones.

They make us dependent on them.

And let's not forget the pedophilia that reigns up there, with those predators who abuse of their "power", but they make a mistake by messing with children.


6 reads

True Rulers 8

True Rulers 8

This is not a theory, here I am going to talk about how they control our actions, high vibrations are related to human states such as happiness, for example +20 Hz, but negative vibrations -20 Hz are with those that are not audible but go directly to the brain, there is an experiment where they used that kind of frequencies to make soldiers surrender in wars, but also in everyday life as example: induce thirst and the most common: Induce moods with Music, Movies, social networks and more....


1 read

True Rulers 9

True Rulers 9

And the theory of the most exploited minds:

Everything is energy, they are just energy manifestations and frequencies that your brain decodes, the creators of this don't want you to know, and so they squeeze us not only on a physical level but also on an energetic level because your emotions are food for the creators of this farm like sadness, anger, and pain, then we squeeze ourselves over and over again in all our lives (reincarnation) in the soul recycler in which we are recycled until we get out of this cycle, and that this whole farm is really Just projections that come into our. ..(Next).


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True Rulers 9.5

True Rulers 9.5

To our Brain that decodes it and that the projector of all this is the moon, Aristotle tells us of a lunar epoch and Apollo of Rhodes, telling us that at some point the moon went into orbit and that everything is a cycle, feeding on our energies one life after another, but the only way out is to reach enlightenment and thus reach the point of nirvana where we are free of all control, because if we look at the image of the life cycle of Buddhism Buddha points to the moon.


1 read

True Rulers 10

True Rulers 10

They want to keep us asleep of our true capabilities, because if we connect with the higher force, we would not be in their system that they themselves invented.

We are in a geargical pyramid, we are all at the bottom the higher it goes, the more inhuman, demented they are and the more empty they are.

Protected by all from the shadows operating.


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"Political power is simply the organized power of one class to oppress another."



5 reads

Wake Up

Wake Up

So, wake up, these are some of the realities of our existence, others are speculations, stay skeptical to everything they tell you, not everything they tell you can be real even I, even I fall into this mind washing, but let's keep trying to get out of the matrix, so, think outside the box, get out of your paradigms for a while, take advantage of your time, be happy, don't worry too much, you have potential, you are more than this physical plane, so no, the most important thing is not religions, money, fame, wisdom but, recognize the higher force, be one with it and be free, out of the matrix.


1 read


"May whatever has to come, come when it has to come."



20 reads



This is my knowledge and ideas, some are speculations and others are realities, but nevertheless, think beyond what you have been taught and open your mind to new possibilities.

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