Recipes for Disaster - Deepstash

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Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups

Affinity groups are close circles that have a healthy dynamic and common language that are capable of achieving goals together.

These groups collaborate with each other effectively and can show support and solidarity when needed.

They can engage with other groups by assigning a "spoke" to attend "spokescouncil" meetings on the groups behalf.

This works effectively for achieving a large goal such as a march or unionizing


402 reads

Behavioral Cut Ups

Behavioral Cut Ups

This offers a new perspective on daily activities.

1. Make a list of things that bore you

2. Make a list of things that terrify you

3. Find an element of each and combine them.

example: Commuting and public speaking, Make a speech on a bus about something you're passionate about

another method of behavioral cut ups is to do something small out of your norm like sleeping in the living room or only wear one outfit to a particular store.


296 reads

Bicycle Parades

Bicycle Parades

Get in touch with your community and host a bicycle parade. This can be an action that is for a cause (ie: climate change or lack of bicycling infrastructure) or to simply grow closer with a group of people.

All that is required is a group of people (with bikes), an established route, and an end location.

this is also good for getting accustomed to riding a bike as opposed to a car.


249 reads



Find local venues and set up camp with zines and stickers! Disseminate information that's important to you quickly and easily and get to know people! All that's needed is a printer, shipping label paper, table, and scissors. If you choose a particularly windy pless to set up having a few items to act as weights is also a good idea!

You can make your set up as sophisticated or rudimentary as you please! With banners and a tip jar your set up can look quite distinguished.


228 reads



This is a method of isolation that allows for concentration and creativity. Premises:

  1. Set an amount of time
  2. Have a focus
  3. Everything is connected to the think tank. breaks and food are integrated.
  4. Have needs already aligned for the tank
  5. Think of the tank as a tool in which work is made
  6. It has to be temporary as a perpetual tank is unsustainable
  7. Rules can be used as liberation
  8. Documentation impedes the process
  9. the tank itself is art
  10. Outside influences impede
  11. Don't revisit a previous tank


230 reads



queer who wants to make art and ideas accessible for all. Posting about an idea is not an endorsement of it, nor does it necessarily align with my beliefs. Simply posting to generate ideas and start conversations. he/him


Just some short excerpts of the least inflammatory recipes in this book. The text itself is wonderful and has many tips, so I recommend checking it out for yourself!

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