Is It Okay to 'Learn from Others' Mistakes'? - Deepstash

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Understanding Mistakes

Understanding Mistakes

First there a need to understand what is a mistake? Mistake is when the action we take fails to achieve a pre-determined goal or outcome. But what if we don't have a goal in mind? Are all actions considered mistakes? Let's delve deeper into understanding mistakes:

  • An action is considered a mistake when it does not produce the desired result
  • Not having a predetermined goal does not necessarily mean an action is not a mistake
  • Mistakes can also be seen as valuable learning opportunities and a chance for growth


256 reads

Do We Really Need To Learn From Other's Mistakes ?

Do We Really Need To Learn From Other's Mistakes ?

What's the point of learning from other's mistakes?

  • Learning from others can help us avoid making the same mistakes ourselves.
  • We can learn new perspectives and approaches to solve problems from others' mistakes.

Simply put, learning from other's mistakes can save us from trouble and help us grow.🤔💡💪


226 reads

Learning from Others' Mistakes Vs Own Experience

Learning from Others' Mistakes Vs Own Experience

We often wonder if it's better to learn from others' mistakes or have our own experiences. This has two sides to it: learning undiscovered facts and learning from others' subjective experiences based on different factors.

Now, Learning from others' mistakes can save us from repeating them. At the same time, making our own mistakes can help us learn and grow.

However, it's important to understand that every situation is unique, and what works for someone else may not work for us.

So, the best approach is to learn from others but also gain our own experiences to fully understand and grow.


197 reads

Balnced Approach

Balnced Approach

A balance between pragmatic and emotional approach is the key. . Being empathetic and open to learning will provide a better perspective to delve and imbibe the ability to analyze the situations and differentiate.

"Learning from others mistakes" is easier said than done. But if we understand the depth of this phrase, we can make our lives more productive and efficient.


192 reads



While this old age adage is known to everyone but what do we actually mean by it at present context and does it apply for every situation. There is a need to dvelve deeper and understand it true meaning.

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