How to Be a Stoic - Deepstash

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We can’t control external events

We can’t control external events

Stoicism teaches us that while we can’t control external events, we Understand the fundamental Stoic principle: some things are within our control, like our thoughts and actions, while others are not, such as other people’s opinions and natural events.

• Identify what you can control.

• Accept what you can’t change.

• Focus energy on your actions.

We should always be asking ourselves: ‘Is this something that is, or is not, in my control?


153 reads

The fundamental stoic principle

The fundamental stoic principle

Understand the fundamental Stoic principle: some things are within our control, like our thoughts and actions, while others are not, such as other people’s opinions and natural events.

• Identify what you can control.

• Accept what you can’t change.

• Focus energy on your actions.

The key to tranquility is to focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.”


117 reads

Know what is good for you

Know what is good for you

Learn to want what is good for you. Stoicism suggests desiring virtue and personal growth over material possessions or external achievements.

• Desire wisdom and virtue.

• Avoid superficial desires.

• Strive for personal growth.

True power lies not in external possessions, but in mastering your own mind and actions.”


105 reads

Act with kindness

Act with kindness

Act with justice, kindness, and humility. Your actions should reflect your values and contribute positively to society, echoing the virtue of justice.

• Perform actions with integrity.

• Prioritize justice and kindness.

• Lead by example.

Act according to your principles, not according to external rewards.”


83 reads

Practice mindfulness & logical thinking

Practice mindfulness & logical thinking

Practice mindfulness and logical thinking to react wisely to situations. This discipline encourages practical wisdom in our judgments and decisions.

• Be mindful in your reactions.

• Use logic to guide your decisions.

• Develop practical wisdom.

Stoicism is not about suppressing emotions, but about developing an inner calm that withstands the storms of life.”


80 reads

Embrace your fate

Embrace your fate

Amor fati, or love of fate, is about accepting everything that happens as necessary and valuable, making peace with the present moment.

• Accept life’s events as they come.

• See challenges as opportunities.

• Find value in every experience.

To love your fate is to love life itself, accepting every moment as it comes.”


79 reads

Prepare yourself for hardships

Prepare yourself for hardships

Develop resilience by practicing Stoic exercises, like negative visualization, to prepare yourself for life’s inevitable hardships.

• Practice negative visualization.

• Build mental resilience.

• Prepare for adversity.

Prepare yourself mentally for what lies ahead, and you will be ready to face it with strength.”


68 reads

Lead by example

Lead by example

Be a role model of Stoic virtues in your daily life. Influence others positively by living according to Stoic principles.

• Exhibit Stoic virtues.

• Inspire others through actions.

• Be a beacon of integrity.

Your example is the most powerful way to influence others.”


60 reads

See challenges as opportunities

See challenges as opportunities

Shift your perspective to see challenges as opportunities for growth. This helps in transforming adversity into a catalyst for personal development.

• Change how you view problems.

• Use adversity to grow.

• Develop a positive mindset.

Adversity introduces a man to himself.”


59 reads

Manage your emotions

Manage your emotions

Learn to manage your emotions by distinguishing between what you can control and what you cannot. This approach reduces unnecessary stress and anxiety.

• Control emotional responses.

• Focus on internal stability.

• Reduce stress by accepting limits.

Mastering your emotions is the key to a tranquil mind.”


59 reads

Peace of mind through acceptance

Peace of mind through acceptance

Achieve peace of mind through acceptance and rational thinking. Tranquility comes from aligning your will with the natural order of the world.

• Align with nature’s order.

• Practice acceptance.

• Seek peace through understanding.

Tranquility is achieved by living in harmony with nature.”


51 reads

Use reason & logic

Use reason & logic

Use reason and logic to navigate life’s complexities. This wisdom guides you in making decisions that align with your values and goals.

• Apply logical reasoning.

• Make wise decisions.

• Align actions with values.

Wisdom is the compass that guides us through the complexities of life.”


54 reads

Role of virtue

Role of virtue

Virtue is the highest good in Stoicism. Strive to embody wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance in all aspects of life.

• Pursue the four cardinal virtues.

• Live a virtuous life.

• Seek excellence in character.

Virtue is the true wealth of the soul.”


52 reads

Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst by imagining negative outcomes. This Stoic exercise helps you appreciate what you have and strengthens your resilience.

• Imagine worst-case scenarios.

• Appreciate your current state.

• Build resilience through preparation.

Expecting the worst prepares you for the best.”


50 reads

Constant self-improvement

Constant self-improvement

Continuously seek self-improvement. Stoicism encourages a lifelong journey of learning and personal development.

• Commit to lifelong learning.

• Pursue personal growth.

• Improve continuously.

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”


52 reads

Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary

Understand that everything is temporary. This awareness helps you value the present and let go of attachments.

• Recognize life’s impermanence.

• Value the present moment.

• Let go of attachments.

Everything is fleeting, so make the most of the present.”


51 reads

Contribute to the community

Contribute to the community

Stoicism isn’t just about individual virtue; it’s also about contributing to the community. Foster meaningful connections and act for the common good.

• Foster community bonds.

• Act for the common good.

• Connect meaningfully with others.

“We are all interconnected; our actions affect the whole.”


42 reads

In harmony with nature

In harmony with nature

Aim to be like the Stoic sage—someone who lives in harmony with nature and reason, embodying perfect wisdom and virtue.

• Strive for sage-like wisdom.

• Live harmoniously with nature.

• Embody Stoic virtues fully.

“Seek to be wise, not just learned.”


39 reads

Practice gratitude

Practice gratitude

Integrate Stoic principles into your daily routine. Practice gratitude, maintain perspective, and act with integrity to lead a fulfilling life.

• Practice daily gratitude.

• Maintain a balanced perspective.

• Live with integrity.

“Live each day as if it were your last, but plan for the future.”


51 reads



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Discover the journey to live a good life through Stoicism with Massimo Pigliucci, who offers ancient wisdom for modern challenges in “How to Be a Stoic.”

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