Inventors Who Revolutionized Everyday Life - Deepstash
Inventors Who Revolutionized Everyday Life

Inventors Who Revolutionized Everyday Life

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"A penny saved is a penny earned.



138 reads

Simple Innovations for Big Success

Melville Stone didn't just lower prices for his newspaper, he figured out why sales were low. He found that people didn't have enough pennies to buy his newspaper. Instead of just lowering prices, Stone convinced merchants to use prices ending in .99. This small change increased the circulation of pennies.

Stone's focus on something as small as the penny led to a major shift in pricing strategies with a lasting effect on consumer behavior. Don't underestimate the power of small changes.

What small change can you make today that might lead to a bigger impact in the future?


58 reads

No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.



67 reads

Create Joy Through Service

Recognize Opportunities in Simple Things

  • Joyce Hall started with postcards
  • Focus on everyday things or situations
  • Small can become significant
  • Find potential opportunities around you

Focus on Bringing Joy to Others

  • Hallmark's success built on bringing joy and connection to people
  • Think about impact of your work on others, not just profits
  • Creating something that brings happiness can lead to lasting success
  • Consider how your work affects others

Build on Small Successes

  • Joyce Hall's small postcard venture grew into a large greeting card company


39 reads

When I lie down I say, ‘How long before I get up?’ The night drags on, and I toss and turn until dawn.



44 reads

Overcome Worry with Innovation: The Story of John Dunlop

Identify the Root Cause of Problems

  • John Dunlop noticed his son was uncomfortable while riding his bike due to the hard tires. Instead of ignoring the issue, he sought to identify the root cause and found a solution that revolutionized the industry.
  • When facing challenges, don't just address the symptoms; find the root cause, just as Dunlop did with the invention of the pneumatic tire.
  • Why is it important to dig deeper and understand the root cause of a problem?

Turn Worry into Innovation

  • Dunlop’s concern for his son’s comfort led him to create the pneumatic tire.


34 reads

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.



29 reads

Believe in the Unseen: Pioneering Success

Embrace New Opportunities

  • Thomas Twining saw potential in something new and untested in England—tea. While others were focused on coffee, he embraced the opportunity to introduce tea to the market, believing in its potential to succeed.

Be Patient and Persistent

  • Twining saved money for five years before he could open his tea shop. His patience and persistence in pursuing his vision were key to his success.

Believe in Your Vision

  • Twining’s belief in the potential of tea kept him focused on his goal, even when it was still an unfamiliar concept in England. His vision led to the success.


21 reads

"Each of us has at least one hidden superpower. But many of us don't know it."



25 reads

Unlock Your Hidden Superpowers

Martin Goodman, a poor man, turned his struggles into superpowers by creating the first superhero comics. Like him, think about your unique capabilities and how they can make a difference.

What are your hidden strengths that could lead to positive change?

Despite growing up during the Great Depression, Goodman used his challenges to inspire hope and courage in others.

Instead of letting your difficulties hold you back, let them fuel your creativity.

Use your challenges to inspire you to create something impactful, just like Goodman did. Let your vision of a brighter future be a guiding force.


17 reads

"Dreams usually come true, but not exactly when or how you expect."



13 reads

Turn Mistakes into Opportunities

  • Beth Graham, despite struggling as a secretary, turned her mistakes into innovation. Inspired by her painting, she created a solution for correcting typing errors, leading to the invention of liquid paper.
  • How can a current mistake or setback be transformed into an opportunity for innovation?

Pursue Your Passion, Even in Small Ways

  • Although Beth couldn't become a full-time artist, she painted bottles in her spare time.
  • Continue to engage in your passions, even if it's just a side hobby.

Don't Give Up, Even When the Path Changes


10 reads

"Success lies in doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way."



14 reads



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