Scarface: 14 Most Memorable Quotes From The Movie - Deepstash
Scarface: 14 Most Memorable Quotes From The Movie

Scarface: 14 Most Memorable Quotes From The Movie

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Scarface: Most Memorable Quotes From The Movie

Scarface: Most Memorable Quotes From The Movie

Scarface is one of Al Pacino's most memorable roles, and the film certainly has a lot of memorable quotes as well.

Tony Montana's actions might be questionable (just like the actions of many other characters in the film), but his words often bear wisdom. There's a wealth of content to pick from when it comes to quotes, and here are some of the absolute best.


9 reads

"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don‘t,

"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don‘t,

After drug lord Alejandro Sosa exposes Tony's accomplice Omar as a police informant and hangs in from a helicopter, he turns his interrogation on Tony to find out if he's the real deal, or just another narc in disguise.

Tony immediately responds with this quote before challenging Sosa to work with him, or make a move against him. It's enough to convince Sosa that Tony is a man of his word, even if his feelings towards Tony's boss are less than desirable.


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"Every dog has his day."

"Every dog has his day."

When Tony's drug lord employer Frank gets tired of his newfound independence and ambition, he plans to have him rubbed out to protect his empire. After a hit job that goes sour, Tony returns to confront both Frank and the crooked cop Bernstein who orchestrated the hit.

After making Frank beg for his life to the point where he's kissing Tony's shoes, he's killed by Manny after briefly being given false hope for a second chance. After the deed is done, Tony sits down and utters this quote to call an end to an era.


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"[Manny] Oh, well what‘s coming to you, Tony? [Tony] The world,

"[Manny] Oh, well what‘s coming to you, Tony? [Tony] The world,

When Tony began taking his first steps into a much more dangerous world, his ambition and arrogance were amplified to the point where he began seeing himself as unstoppable. This was shown in a scene of Tony driving with Manny in the passenger seat, conversing about their newfound employer.


6 reads

"You don‘t have the guts to be what you wanna‘ be!

"You don‘t have the guts to be what you wanna‘ be!

  • "You need people like me so you can point your F****in' fingers and say, that's the bad guy."

A drunk and angry Tony flips out in the middle of dinner and causes his wife Elvira to storm out in rage. When the chaos dies down and the rest of the patrons sit there staring in disbelief at what just transpired, Tony turns and addresses them with this quote.

It's a moment of self-reflection for Tony that he twists in order to justify his criminal behavior. Rather than take responsibility for his unwillingness to utilize the American dream in a positive way, he chastises those who look down on him.


4 reads

"Every day above ground is a good day."

"Every day above ground is a good day."

Though not having a major role in the movie, Mel Bernstein, played by Harris Yulin, still delivers one of the most interesting lines. It can be considered both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time.

From one side, it's great to think about your life in such a positive way and value every day you are not dead. But from another side, making survival your ultimate aim rather than actually living a healthy life might not be the best thing to do.


4 reads

"Okay, here‘s the story. I come from the gutter. I know that.

This monologue Tony feels obligated to say is not only perfect for explaining his story but also fits the lives of many viewers. Not everyone is born into a good family or gets the right education and opportunities, but that's okay.

If you know your environment and if you know the right people, you can go a long way in your life. And what's more, Tony points out the importance of someone beside you who makes you unstoppable through their support, care, and love.


3 reads

Tony montana

"Okay, Here's The Story. I Come From The Gutter. I Know That. I Got No Education, But That's Okay. I Know The Street, And I'm Making All The Right Connections. With The Right Woman, There's No Stopping Me. I Could Go Right To The Top."



4 reads

"I‘m Tony Montana! You f*** with me, you f***in‘ with the best!

"I‘m Tony Montana! You f*** with me, you f***in‘ with the best!

This is perhaps less applicable to our world and rather helps you better understand the character of Tony Montana. Right before he gets shot to death, Tony boasts about his own greatness while still trying to get the bad guys with his shooting.

It's not entirely clear if he is really brave or simply has nothing to lose. In any case, the phrase is one of the most iconic ones he had.


5 reads

"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."

"I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."

As a part of his drunken monologue after Elvira leaves him, Tony mutters these two sentences. He is in a restaurant and people around him had just witnessed his fight with Elvira.

He is drunk and tries to leave while talking about how everyone needs people like him to point at and say that he is the bad guy. Everyone else knows how to hide and how to lie, but he doesn't have that problem. He always tells the truth, even when he's lying.


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"You wanna f*** with me? Okay. You wanna play rough?...

"You wanna f*** with me? Okay. You wanna play rough?...

There is absolutely no doubt that this is the most well-known and iconic phrase in the entire film. The scene is simply fantastic, so you will definitely remember it even if you've only watched the movie once.

Tony knows that he won't survive, so he decides to get as many bad guys as possible before they get him. He takes a grenade launcher-equipped M16A1 and shoots many before he is taken down too.


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