Python: 7 Important Reasons Why You Should Use Python - Deepstash
Python: 7 Important Reasons Why You Should Use Python

Python: 7 Important Reasons Why You Should Use Python

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Why python

According to the latest TIOBE Programming Community Index , Python is one of the top 10 popular progra mming languages of 2017. Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. The simple syntax rules of the programming language further makes it easier for you to keep the code base readable and application maintainable.


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1) Readable and Maintainable Code

While writing a software application, you must focus on the quality of its source code to simplify maintenance and updates. The syntax rules of Python allow you to express concepts without writing additional code. At the same time, Python, unlike other programming languages, emphasizes on code readability, and allows you to use English keywords instead of punctuations. Hence, you can use Python to build custom applications without writing additional code. The readable and clean code base will help you to maintain and update the software without putting extra time and effort.


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2) Multiple Programming Paradigms

Like other modern programming languages, Python also supports several programming paradigm. It supports object oriented and structured programming fully. Also, its language features support various concepts in functional and aspect-oriented programming. At the same time, Python also features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. The programming paradigms and language features help you to use Python for developing large and complex software applications.


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3) Compatible with Major Platforms and Systems

At present, Python is supports many operating systems. You can even use Python interpreters to run the code on specific platforms and tools. Also, Python is an interpreted programming language. It allows you to you to run the same code on multiple platforms without recompilation. Hence, you are not required to recompile the code after making any alteration. You can run the modified application code without recompiling and check the impact of changes made to the code immediately. The feature makes it easier for you to make changes to the code without increasing development time.


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4) Robust Standard Library

large and robust standard library makes Python score over other programming languages. The standard library allows you to choose from a wide range of modules according to your precise needs. Each module further enables you to add functionality to the Python application without writing additional code.while writing a web application in Python, you can use specific modules to implement web services, perform string operations, manage operating system interface or work with internet protocols. You can gather information about modules by browsing through the Python Standard Library documentation.


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5) Many Open Source Frameworks and Tools

As open source programming language, Python helps you curtail software development cost significantly. You can even use several open source Python frameworks libraries and development tools to curtail development time without increasing development cost. You even have option to choose from a wide range of open source Python frameworks and development tools according to yourself can simplify and speedup web application development by using robust Python web frameworks like Django, Flask. you can make desktop GUI application development by Python GUI frameworks and toolkit like kivy.


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Python is a general purpose programming language. Hence, you can use the programming language for developing both desktop and web applications. Also, you can use Python for developing complex scientific and numeric applications. Python is designed with features to facilitate data analysis and visualization. You can take advantage of the data analysis features of Python to create custom big data solutions without putting extra time and effort. At the same time, the data visualization libraries and APIs provided by Python help you to visualize and present data in a more appealing and effectivly


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7) Adopt Test Driven Development

You can use Python to create prototype of the software application rapidly. Also, you can build the software application directly from the prototype simply by refactoring the Python code. Python even makes it easier for you to perform coding and testing simultaneously by adopting test driven development (TDD) approach. You can easily write the required tests before writing code and use the tests to assess the application code continuously. The tests can also be used for checking if the application meets predefined requirements based on its source code.


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