5. Measure Outcomes, Not Proxies - Deepstash
5. Measure Outcomes, Not Proxies

5. Measure Outcomes, Not Proxies

It’s easy to measure proxies for success. Secondary metrics don’t always translate to business results and care must be taken so they don’t become a proxy for actually knowing and fulfilling your customers’ needs.

Do what helps you achieve success and measure success in terms of the outcomes you’re trying to achieve.


35 reads

The idea is part of this collection:

The Podcasting Ecosystem

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The importance of networking in podcasting

How to grow your podcast audience

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Measure Outcomes, Not Proxies

It’s easy to measure proxies for success. Secondary metrics don’t always translate to business results and care must be taken so they don’t become a proxy for actually knowing and fulfilling your customers’ needs.

Do what helps you achieve success and measure success in terms of the outcome...

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