Effect of natural light early in the day - Deepstash
Effect of natural light early in the day

Effect of natural light early in the day

  • it modulates the timing of the cortisol pulse: once every 24 hours, you're going to get a boost in cortisol. It's a healthy boost, it sets your temperature rhythm in motion, and it sets your level of alertness, focus, and mood.
  • you want that cortisol pulse to happen as early in the day.  When this pulse comes in the afternoon, your temperature rhythm is going to be shifted late and that's actually a signature of depression and anxiety and difficulty falling asleep.
  • when you don't get that light until a few hours later,  everything is shifted and you will find it difficult to fall asleep at night.


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I have a passion for baking. Tea drinker. Exercise and healthy eating fanatic.

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