Unconscious Incompetence - Deepstash

Unconscious Incompetence

This is the stage where you are not aware of your own incompetence. You may not know what you don't know.


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A daydreamer who's really into psychology, philosophy & novels.

A comprehensive and detailed summary on the book 'The 5AM Club'. I have divided it into many sections. Each section for each chapter for the ease of reading. The ideas are concise & informative. Do read it fully as these ideas are all that you need for personal development. You will find similar ideas in almost all the personal development books. To get Deepstash Pro feautures for free, visit https://stepwise.janakg.me/

Similar ideas to Unconscious Incompetence

Unconscious Incompetence

Stage One of this learning model is Unconscious Incompetence, where you are clueless and overwhelmed and don't know why.

In this stage: You don't know what you don't know.

Let's imagine this scenario: You've been feeling overwhelmed and stressed during the last few weekends and you don't know why. You are at stage # 1, Unconscious Incompetence (You don't know what you don't know).

Conscious Incompetence

Start to diagnose and find what the problem is. Once you know and acknowledge the problem, you also know the skill you need to master to be able to handle the problem. 

You are at Stage Two: Conscious Incompetence. In this stage, you know what you don't know.

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