9. Habit Tracking - Deepstash
9. Habit Tracking

9. Habit Tracking

The book suggests tracking habits to increase awareness and motivation, as well as providing a sense of control over personal development.


49 reads



"Atomic Habits" by James Clear explores the power of tiny changes, emphasizing the compounding effects of small habits over time.

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Being Productive Through Tracking

When you don’t track your habits you’re more likely to talk yourself out of certain activities when you don’t feel like doing them. Tracking reminds and confronts you with your failures, effectively punishing you.

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Being Productive Through Tracking Habits

Being Productive Through Tracking Habits

When you don’t track your habits you’re more likely to talk yourself out of certain activities when you don’t feel like doing them. Tracking reminds and confronts you with your failures, effectively punishing you.

Tracking also gamified your habits, providing extra motivation to being consi...

To make habit tracking easier:

To make habit tracking easier:

  1. Manual tracking should be limited to your most important habits
  2. Record each measurement immediately after the habit occurs

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