This day will not come again. - Deepstash
This day will not come again.

This day will not come again.

Every minute is worth a priceless gem.

Every moment is precious and will never come again.

It is up to us how we use and appreciate every moment.

Live in the here and now. Let go of the past. Don't worry about the future.

Make it your goal to enjoy life in its entirety, to consciously experience every encounter and activity and to appreciate the importance of time.


61 reads




while(1 < 2) love laugh dance

Buddhist parables of enlightenment and wisdom for more awareness, happiness and contentment in everyday life

Similar ideas to This day will not come again.

earl nightingale

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."


2. You will graduate, you will get job, you will find love. You have an entire life! things take time. Just enjoy where you are now. RELAX.

2. You will graduate, you will get job, you will find love. You have an entire life! things take time. Just enjoy where you are now. RELAX.

This is a reminer to live in the present moment and to enjoy what we have now.

Everything takes time and it all starts with you.

Don't stress too much, things will come, just appreciate where you are now.

The practice of Meticulous attention

  • Notice each activity that you’re doing as a separate event.
  • For every event, ask yourself what you can do to give it your full attention. Turn off your phone? Turn your body fully toward the person asking for your attention?

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