It's For You - Deepstash

It's For You

Forgiving someone can be for you to let go of the issues and pent up anger you may hold in yourself.


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The Power of Forgiveness 🙏

Have you been hurt by someone?
Don't let their actions keep hurting you.
Forgive and let go for the sake of your well-being. Here's why:

  1. Holding onto anger and resentment harms your health.
  2. Forgiving releases the negative energy and sets you free.
  3. ...

Forgiving is not the same as forgetting

You can forgive someone and still maintain a boundary. They may not even necessarily know you forgave them.

When you hold onto anger towards yourself or others, it weighs you down, drains your energy and increases your stress.

Forgives You.....

Forgives You.....

A true friend doesn’t hold a grudge against you because of your past mistakes. They forgive and move on. And If they’re really upset, they bring up the issue with you so that you can solve it together.

Forgiving and forgiveness are important qualities in a true friendship

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