Maintain Peace and Prespective - Deepstash

Maintain Peace and Prespective

Stay Calm Amidst Chaos

  • Remaining calm in the face of troubling news helps maintain inner peace and clarity.
  • Jesus advised not to be alarmed by wars and rumors of wars, as these events must happen.
  • How can you practice staying calm when faced with distressing news?

Focus on What You Can Control

  • Concentrating on aspects of life you can control helps you manage stress and anxiety.
  • Despite hearing about conflicts, focusing on your actions and responses can bring stability.

Trust in the Bigger Plan

  • Having faith in a greater plan can provide comfort and perspective during turbulent times.


6 reads



The article explores three key messages from the Gospel of Matthew: maintaining integrity in all aspects of life, relying on faith and hope through difficult times, and finding a balance between our civic duties and spiritual responsibilities.

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