Return on Investment - Deepstash

Return on Investment

Lesson 5: formula to calculate Monthly “ROI” = (1+annual return)^(1/12) - 1


155 reads

Similar ideas to Return on Investment

What is return on investment (ROI)?

Return on investment (ROI) is a way to measure an investment's performance. It also can be used to compare different investments.

  • ROI calculation applies to not just trading or investment, but any kind of business or purchase. 
  • Calculating an estimated ROI base...

Find your ideal

Determine your target net worth - where you want to be in the near-term and long-term future.

The following formula is helpful:

Target Net Worth=[Your Age−25]∗[1/5∗Gross Annual Income]

A 50-year-old with a gross annual income of $75,000 might aim ...

Your Top 1-3 Goals

Prioritize your list of possible goals using and expected value (EV) calculation. Expected Value = Resources Required x Return on Investment x Probability of Success

Take the list of everything you could potentially work on over the next 90 days and then rank them by these criteria.


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