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The 2X Rule

Lesson 1: The 2x rule to spend money guilt free, this rule states that whenever you want to make a big purchase make sure you invest the equivalent amount in an appreciating asset.

pankaj pawarJan 16 (edited)


191 reads

Goal based investing approach

Lesson 2: Another thing that i learned from this book is that we should differentiate our investments based on the goals and requirement of money, for example- if you want money within 3 years, you should invest it in cash equivalents and cash, if you want the money in next 5 years then you should invest or save in bonds, and you should only invest the money in stocks when you dont need the money for longterm 


168 reads

The 4% Rule

Lesson 3: The 4% Rule states that, we can retire when our annual spending is equal to 4% of our total savings. To retire, we should have at least 25 times of our annual spendings as our total saving….


164 reads

The cross point

Lesson 4: Crossover point- When our monthly investment income exceeds our monthly expenses we can retire.


158 reads

Return on Investment

Lesson 5: formula to calculate Monthly “ROI” = (1+annual return)^(1/12) - 1


155 reads

The Silent killer

Lesson 6: Inflation: it is a silent killer, inflation rate of 5% annually, cuts purchasing power in half in 14 years.


138 reads

Human capital

Lesson 7: Convert your human capital into financial capital, Work physically to earn and save earned money to invest & convert into assets.


133 reads

Bonds and other investments

Lesson 8: Bonds and other assets should make upto 20% of your portfolio. they will help with portfolio rebalancing. Investment property such as plot, house and apartment should be bought on debt.


128 reads

REIT's the least know real estate

Lesson 9: REIT’s is also a good option to own real estate without having to manage the property personally., it gives average compounded annual return of (10%-12%)


119 reads

Returns on small business

Lesson 10: Small business- expected returns on small business is 20% to 25% highest compared to all other assets class.


123 reads

Dollar cost Averaging

Lesson 12: average in strategy always underperform the buy now strategy.

Lesson 13: Just keep buying instead of averaging and waiting for dips.


119 reads

Bad Luck and investor

Lesson 14: Mitigate Bad luck as investor: Diversify with enough low-risk assets(e.g. bonds), Withdraw less during bear markets. Increase your income sources.


108 reads

Hold on

Lesson 16: Use “Buy & hold” strategy, Never try to avoid “drawdowns”.


115 reads

Drawdown and gains

Lesson 17: a 33% drawdown in market takes 50% gain to get back to even, Formula: Expected annual return= (1+% Gain needed to Recover)^(1/Number of years to recover)-1 , by using this formula if the market recovers in 1 year we can gain 50% rise on portfolio, in 2 years 22% gain, in 3 years-14%, in 4 years- 11%, In 5 years- 8%.


100 reads


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