How To Apply It - Deepstash
How To Apply It

How To Apply It

Use Sparklines when you want to motivate or inspire others. For example, when somebody shares a challenge, tell a story that contrasts their situation with a vision of how things could be different.

Sparklines can help you inspire others or set a positive tone in the discussion. And you can use it to become a role model for other people.

I like to use it in social situations where a big group of people can’t make a decision. And once I convince a part of them to do what I wish, I can shift the group’s desires. Or, at least, we won’t stay in an indecisive situation.


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Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @

Discover 8 storytelling techniques to boost your social skills, improve communication, and build deeper connections in all areas of your life.

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