10 — The Pitfall of Comparison - Deepstash
10 — The Pitfall of Comparison

10 — The Pitfall of Comparison

Comparing yourself with others it’s wrong. We all know it. And everybody told us not to do it.

But we are competitors. Comparison helps us understand where we are and what the goal looks like. It only becomes a problem when it hinders your growth.

Sometimes, we take inspiration from those who reached a goal and try to emulate them. Then, emulation turns into building your unique path and finding success with it. But it can also turn sideways.

The comparison could become toxic if you keep emulating and want to achieve the same results because that’s impossible.


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Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @ www.cosmopolitanmindset.com

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