Don't worry - Deepstash
Don't worry

Don't worry

Why worry infographic


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How To Build A Company

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How to prioritize tasks effectively

How to manage your time efficiently

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Worry is the cognitive part of anxiety, with it's repetitive and obsessive thought patterns in our mind. Worry is sometimes essential for us to solve problems or take action, provided we are not stuck in a constant state of worry.

Ways to Handle Worry:

  • Allot some time a day, s...

Don't Worry What Others Think

Focus on yourself and do not worry about what other people are going to think.

People will always base their opinions on what worked for them. Don't follow the choices of other people if they don't work for you.

Deliberate Worry

Deliberate Worry

It is a practice for training our minds out of the tendency toward automatic worry and rumination. The basic idea is to schedule a short amount of time every day to worry on purpose.

By creating a consistent time and space for our brains to worry, we discourage them from worrying int...

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