​11 things you need to detox in your life - Deepstash
​11 things you need to detox in your life

​11 things you need to detox in your life


13 ideas


11K reads



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Knowingly or unknowingly we are habituated to many things which will be detrimental for us in long run. So we need to identify that and let go.

Here are 11 things you need to detox in your life.


1.03K reads

1. Digital Devices

1. Digital Devices

In today's world Digital Devices are like part of our body perticularly mobile phone. We can't stop using but we can reduce their use or use for ours benifit.

"Mobile is a bad master but a very good servent"

Reduce excessive screen time for unnecessary activities, which can lead to stress and negatively impact sleep pattern.


1.02K reads

2. Unhealthy Relationship

2. Unhealthy Relationship

Distance yourself from toxic people who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life.

It is said that "you are the average of five people you are friends with".

So choose your friends or want to be in relationship wisely.


928 reads

3. Junk Food

3. Junk Food

Cut down on processed food, sugary, snacks, and excessive caffeine, or alcohol consumption, and focus on a balanced and nutritious diet.

Our food intake can influence our mood.


896 reads

4. Sleep

4. Sleep

Some people think sleep is a waste of time but it's not. Our modern work culture influence folks to sleep less work more then you can be successful. Also so called motivational gurus give advice to people. Don't listen to them. We need 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep to perform well.

Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to help regulate your body's internal clock and improve the quality of your sleep.

To know more about importance of sleep, ou should read Why We Sleep Book by Matthew Walker.


810 reads

5. Self Criticism

5. Self Criticism

These days self criticism is so prevalent amongst young generation. It could be detrimental for all.

Challenge and replace self critical thoughts with positive affirmations and self love. Practice mindfulness meditation and gratitude.


905 reads

6. Overcommitment

6. Overcommitment

Many people scared to say no and regretted that later. You don't have some 50 or 100 hours in a day to do others activities or give your valuable time to someone else.

Learn to say no to excessive obligations that may lead to burnout and stress. Otherwise you will miss out many important things in life to give your time.


848 reads

7. Unproductive Habits

7. Unproductive Habits

Most of our day to day activities are driving by habits. We unknowingly acquire so bad habits that will hinder our growth.

Break free from habits that hinder personal growth and productivity, such as procrastination and time wasting activities.


810 reads

8. The Daily Hustle Bustle

8. The Daily Hustle Bustle

Take some time for yourself in daily hustle bustle and reflect on what ongoing on your life. Don't drive on autopilot mode. Be mindful of your daily activities.

Spend time in quieter settings to give your mind a break from constant stimulation.


785 reads

9. Unrealistic Expectations

9. Unrealistic Expectations

Today's world we align success to have more money or fame. We set big goals and quit that after some time. Because our goals are unrealistic.

Let go of unrealistic expectations of yourself and others, instead focus on achievable and healthy goals.


743 reads

10. Social Media

10. Social Media

You might have heard about neuroplasticity. It simply means what we consume or feed to our mind daily it will make new neural connection in our brain. We consume many useless things through social media. So say we are passing our time or entertainment but in long run it will change your thinking about society.

Take break from social media platforms that cause comparison, anxiety, or a sense of missing out.

Focus on real life activities like playing sports.....


722 reads

11. Clutter

11. Clutter

Our environment play a very important role in our life.

Declutter your physical space to create a more organised and peaceful environment.


797 reads



These are simple activities that will make you to live happily if you focus on improvement. I know the solution are simple and less but it will push you to learn more about these habits and by doing that we can improve ourselves.

Remember nobody do for you, it's you or only you who can change your life.


726 reads



“The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.” — Charlie Munger


By acknowledging our toxic habits and working on them we can achieve many things.

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