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I like the freedom that comes with belonging to me and only me, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others till death do us part.



4.9K reads

Embracing Singleness

Embracing Singleness

Love is a wonderful thing that will come in due time. For now, accept and celebrate your independent life. You have the power to do anything you want! Not everything is about finding the perfect partner, sometimes it's just about having fun and enjoying your life.

Do not worry about filling the void of being single. Instead, embrace it and use it as a chance to invite people who complement your life and add value to it. Being brave enough to be alone allows you to choose who you want in your life, not who you need. 🎉


431 reads

Happily Single: Choosing Your Own Path

Happily Single: Choosing Your Own Path

Being happily single means focusing on your passions and goals without distractions, and not changing yourself to fit someone else's expectations.

It's about choosing your own path and creating a life so fulfilling that you don't need to be saved from it, instead of searching for a "better half."

Key Concepts:

  • Devoting time to passions and goals
  • Not compromising who you are
  • Designing your own life
  • Being whole on your own



353 reads

You don't need a significant other to lead a significant life

You don't need a significant other to lead a significant life

Does my love life affect my ability to live my best life?

  • What are some things I can do on my own to discover my passions?
  • Why let others determine my happiness?
  • Loneliness can lead to growth and self-discovery.

Remember: You are unique and capable of creating your own path.

🦋 Embrace the journey of self-exploration and growth 🌼


291 reads

The Power of Being Alone

The Power of Being Alone

Stop searching for your worth in relationships and find the power which lies in solitude. It helps you find your true self and build a strong foundation for future connections. Don't let the fear of being alone prevent you from standing and thriving on your own.

  • You are enough, regardless of your relationship status
  • Self-discovery is essential for growth
  • Own your individuality and don't be afraid to stand out

💫 Embrace your solitude, it's where your sparkle begins to shine. 💫


249 reads

Discovering Yourself: The Imperfect Journey 🌟

Discovering Yourself: The Imperfect Journey 🌟

You can't think your way into discovering who you are; you have to live your way into it. You'll make mistakes, all while finding out what makes you laugh or cry. You'll try different things, but don't worry about it being perfect - every step is one step closer to figuring out your purpose in life.

  • 🌱Make mistakes
  • 💫Follow your passions
  • 🌠Set goals and chase dreams
  • 🔥Step out of your comfort zone
  • 🤝Try out new things and see what fits
  • 🗺️Take wrong turns
  • 😂Do what makes you laugh
  • 😢Avoid what makes you cry
  • 🌎Embrace the journey of discovering who you are and why you are here


216 reads

Embrace your uniqueness!

Embrace your uniqueness!

💡 Your value does not depend on others. Don't let their opinions hold you back from being true to yourself.

👀 You don't need to conform to anyone's expectations. Embrace your individuality instead and stand out from the crowd.

🌞 Don't forget to be your own friend. Accept and love yourself, and the right people will come into your life.

➡️ Don't settle for less than what you truly deserve. Aim high and work hard for a fulfilling and satisfying life.

⭐️ Remember, you are worthy of the best. Don't lower your standards for anything or anyone.


195 reads

Know Your Worth

Know Your Worth

Don't surrender your true value to someone who doesn't see it. There will always be people trying to talk you out of your worth, but don't settle for less. Know your worth and let them keep moving!

Don't let anyone undervalue you or question your worth. There will be someone out there who truly values what you have to offer. Your self-worth is not something to bargain or put on sale. It is priceless.


196 reads

Life Lesson: Embrace the Present and Let Go of the Past!

Life Lesson: Embrace the Present and Let Go of the Past!

STOP settling! In relationships or life, don't be afraid to strive for more.

  • Living in the present helps to forget the past and trust that the future will take care of itself.
  • Don't waste time dwelling on what "could have" or "should have" been.
  • To move on, accept that the past is behind you.

If you want change, take action and make it happen.

You can't rely on others to make you happy, find happiness within yourself.

Love is always worth the risk, even if it doesn't work out. Dare to take a chance, instead of playing it safe.


173 reads







246 reads

The Truth About Love

The Truth About Love

The journey to finding love can be difficult and confusing. Society often teaches us to look for our "better half", but in reality, love means finding someone who is your equal.

Remember, you can't put your life on hold waiting for love. It's important to take risks and be open to new opportunities. If it doesn't work out, it's okay to let go and move on. In fact, it's necessary for personal growth.

  • Love requires effort and someone who truly cares will do whatever it takes.
  • Don't be afraid to let go of things that are no longer good for you.
  • Trust that what is meant for you will come in due time.


172 reads


If you have to chase a man or convince him why he should be with you, do you really want to be with him? You are far too fabulous to beg, crawl, manipulate, or convince. It's time to write yourself a big ole reality check and keep the change. Let go of that dead-end relationship and hit the highway to Loving Yourself Too Much To Wait Around For Someone Who Doesn't Love You Enough. Someone out there will be so excited, thrilled, and honored to call you his girl that he would never string you along. But you'll never meet him as long as you're clinging to Mr Wrong.



163 reads

Ridding Yourself of Toxic People

Ridding Yourself of Toxic People

It's easy to hang on to people who don't value you. But when you let go, better things come along!

Benefits of Saying Goodbye:

  • You make room for the people you deserve
  • You gain the power of self-worth
  • You free yourself from toxic relationships

Don't cling onto the past at the expense of your future. Thank those who have let go of you - they've given you wings to fly! 👋🦅


142 reads

The Art of Singleness 💃🏻

The Art of Singleness 💃🏻

Being single isn't a curse, it's an opportunity to embrace freedom and discover yourself. It's a chance to brave unknown adventures on your own terms.

Work on yourself, remove toxic people, and let go of unhealthy relationships. Believe that someday, you'll be grateful for those losses because they led you to become the best version of yourself. Rise like a Phoenix! 🔥


151 reads

The Power of Good-Bye

The Power of Good-Bye

We are often sad when people or things leave our lives; however, they were not meant to stay. But this goodbye is not the end, it is the beginning of something new.

Farewells can be painful, but they also bring growth. People who bring negativity and toxicity are not worth keeping in our lives. It's important to set boundaries and surround ourselves with positive and supportive people.

  • 🌱 Letting go can make room for new and better things 🌱
  • 🎉 Don't dwell on the past, embrace the future! 🎉
  • 🌞 After the rain comes the sun, and happiness is on the other side of good-bye 🌞


137 reads

Choose Your Company Wisely

Choose Your Company Wisely

Being around unhappy people can affect your own happiness. Be cautious of who you let into your life.

  • Unhappy people will try to bring others down with them
  • Don't cater to someone else's insecurities or try to fix their unhappiness
  • Be selective in choosing who you surround yourself with
  • Take control of your life and happiness
  • Allow yourself to feel and heal from losses
  • Being vulnerable is a sign of strength

Remember, it's easier to let someone into your life than to get them out. So choose wisely.


137 reads

Trusting and Living with the Questions

Trusting and Living with the Questions

Relax. Breathe. Let go. Trust that the answers will come and the universe will guide you.

The journey might seem unclear, but the space between the question and the answer is full of endless possibilities. Don't ignore the love you have in your life, live boldly and let answers seek you.

  • Trusting in the process allows the answers to come
  • Letting go of expectations can lead to unimaginable outcomes
  • Remember to relax and breathe while waiting for the answers
  • Appreciate the love present in your life
  • Love doesn't require a romantic relationship


135 reads

Embrace the magic of waiting ✨

Embrace the magic of waiting ✨

Keep your eyes open for the little miracles all around you.

  • Focus on the beauty of the present moment
  • Trust in the unknown
  • Find gratitude in small blessings

People relate to humanity, not perfection. Trust that in the end it all works together for your good, even when you can't see it at the time.

  • Embrace imperfection
  • Trust in the bigger picture

Not all wishes are meant to come true. Some wishes are only there to teach us how to wait. They bring us not an instant blessing but a lifelong lesson.

  • Patience leads to growth
  • Lessons can be found in disappointment


131 reads


Stop looking for a hero and become one instead.



166 reads


Getting lost in life can be the beginning of a grand new adventure!



148 reads


Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. Trust. Imagine. Wish. Believe.



147 reads



while(1 < 2) love laugh dance


What about just honoring exactly who you are in this moment instead of always prepping for the next phase of life?

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