Defeat the Doubts: 4 Helpful Things That Will Make You More Confident - Deepstash
Defeat the Doubts: 4 Helpful Things That Will Make You More Confident

Defeat the Doubts: 4 Helpful Things That Will Make You More Confident

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Why did I failed so many times?

Why did I failed so many times?

I have always given up easily.

I tried many things in my life until I found my passion. And I loved everything about those hobbies. But I always wanted to transform them into something bigger. And when I tried, I failed miserably.

I wasn’t mature enough to learn from my failures at the time. And I kept failing.

  • I didn’t use MVPs. I always invested too much time in each project. And the more I got involved, the harder it was to crush reality.
  • And I didn’t have enough power to learn from my mistakes and try again. I was too weak and young. And everything seemed like the world was against me.


572 reads

How to Get Over Insecurities

How to Get Over Insecurities

Yet, I’ve been writing online for almost four years. I learned to defeat my insecurities and be confident in my work.

Would you like to know how I did it?

It has been a mixture of things — if I had to guess.


512 reads

The Challenge

The Challenge

You are reading an excerpt from The Challenge, a newsletter where I discuss self-improvement, goal-setting, habits, time management, and health tips and tricks.

Every week, you will get the following:

  • a challenge to pursue to improve your life
  • an infographic to track it.

Subscribe now to help me continue publishing this type of content.


453 reads

How to Defeat the Odds Through Consistency (1)

How to Defeat the Odds Through Consistency (1)

Most of you probably know and follow Thomas Frank.

He was one of the first YouTubers I followed before starting my own business. And although his channel has almost 3 million subscribers, he hasn’t reached overnight success as many think.

He started his journey as a college student seeking to improve his productivity and study habits. But he wanted to help. So, he created a website in 2010 (College Info Geek) where he shared simple tips on the subjects he liked and researched. And it took him time and dedication to find the success formula.


351 reads

How to Defeat the Odds Through Consistency (2)

How to Defeat the Odds Through Consistency (2)

  • He was almost always consistent with his video schedule.
  • He experimented with many topics until he found what worked for him. And then he replicated it.
  • And most importantly, he never gave up in front of failures.

For me, it was an example.


354 reads

How to Deal with Insecurities (1)

How to Deal with Insecurities (1)

I’m 28. But I learned to deal with my insecurities only a few years ago.

After giving up my writing habit three times, I noticed I would always get back at it. And that made me understand I have to keep doing it.

It might look like an overnight realization. But it wasn’t.


346 reads

How to Deal with Insecurities (2)

How to Deal with Insecurities (2)

Every time I failed with writing, I felt like I had nothing left to fight for. I was insecure about my skills. And I often asked myself: Do I suck at this?

Yes, I do. And even now, I know I have to improve. But that doesn’t mean I won’t succeed one day. I know I will. It is just a matter of time. And that’s how my paradigm shifted.

Here are 4 things that made me (and will make you) more confident about my passion.


297 reads

1 — The Power of Remorse (1)

1 — The Power of Remorse (1)

Remorse doesn’t allow you to get ahead with your life. And for some people, it brings so much pain they get stuck .

Yet, remorse can give you a motivational push. But you have to use it preemptively.

What do I mean by that?


303 reads

1 — The Power of Remorse (2)

1 — The Power of Remorse (2)

Many times, I thought I would give up. After the 100th failure, nothing seems to work anymore. But then, I asked:

  • How would I feel if I knew I would have reached success in two more months?
  • How would I feel knowing I left my passion when I could have grown the most?

I would feel remorse. And the power of remorse keeps me going.


294 reads

2 — The Public Push (1)

2 — The Public Push (1)

Many things that could go wrong in my life scare me. But failing in public has to be one of the scariest.

It might be the impostor syndrome. But I am scared there will be a moment when people realize I am not good enough. Giving up would be the perfect assist for haters to speak badly about me. And I don’t plan to help them.

But let’s not focus on the negative part. Building in public is great because people will give you instant feedback.


257 reads

2 — The Public Push (2)

2 — The Public Push (2)

If you plan to work on a book for two years without showing anything to anyone, you better do your damn research. Otherwise, you’ll probably fail and throw two years of work. But if you practice in public, you will know from the start if it might work.

  • Write a few posts first to gather people's reactions.
  • Then, write an ebook and try to sell it.
  • And then, you can write a two-year book.

That’s how you can become more confident in your work.

  • It’s fearful — so you will probably keep doing it.
  • And it gives you tons of value with instant feedback.


243 reads

3 — The Small Results (1)

3 — The Small Results (1)

I would probably have left if I hadn’t gotten any results from my writing.

Hobbies are great. But if I have to do something for free, I’d better not do it. It might be the wrong mindset, but that’s what I think.

Luckily, a little money started to kick in from my writing. (And that’s props to you partially, so thanks!) And those small results that grow over time keep me hooked on this habit.


228 reads

3 — The Small Results (2)

3 — The Small Results (2)

If I can convince one person to subscribe to get more value from The Challenge, what keeps me from convincing ten and then one hundred?

Small results will defeat your doubts and make you more confident.

  • First, you will think you have been lucky.
  • Then, luck over time becomes mastery.
  • And soon, you will realize you can do it.

That’s how you become more confident through small results.


207 reads

4 — The Delayed Gratification (1)

4 — The Delayed Gratification (1)

Setting big goals feels awesome only because of one thing — the rush of dopamine you get from reaching them, the delayed gratification.

But there’s one thing you need to consider. Otherwise, it will never work.

The goal you set must be valuable. So, find a purpose that drives you.


210 reads

4 — The Delayed Gratification (2)

4 — The Delayed Gratification (2)

  • Why are you doing it?
  • What does it mean for you to achieve that goal?
  • Why does it matter so much?
  • And then, what will you get when you’ll reach your goals?

You better switch goals if you don’t have strong answers to all these questions.

Money wishes can only push you that much. But you need much more to achieve greatness and defeat the doubts rushing in your head.


189 reads


Your life will be full of challenges and doubts about your passion. Defeat them to get something out of it.

So, this week, think about the strategies you could adopt to become more confident and what you do.

I hope the infographic of the week can help you with that. So let me know how it goes! I would love to know more about your goals, aspirations, and struggles.




171 reads

Before you Go

Before you Go

Share The Challenge with your friends and families!

Or, if you want to read more of my content, visit the Cosmopolitan Mindset.

Subscribe now to help me continue publishing this type of content.


175 reads



Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @


Overcome doubts about your passion! Discover 4 practical tips to boost your confidence and pursue what you love fearlessly.

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