W2W | Finding Your True Worth | Feat. Miriam Quiambao-Roberto - Deepstash
W2W | Finding Your True Worth | Feat. Miriam Quiambao-Roberto

W2W | Finding Your True Worth | Feat. Miriam Quiambao-Roberto

Curated from: MetroWest Training

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Common Yardsticks to Measure Worth

Common Yardsticks to Measure Worth

These are the most common measure of worth in today's society:

  1. Appearance
  2. Net Worth
  3. Who You Know / Your Social Circle
  4. What You Do / Your Career
  5. What You Achieve


94 reads

Understanding Self-worth ❤️

Understanding Self-worth ❤️

In simple terms, self-worth is the belief in our own value as a person. It's like being on your own team, loving and respecting yourself just like you would your loved ones.

It's not the same as self-esteem, which can come from things like achievements and the approval of others. Self-worth comes from within, from your own core belief system about yourself and your value as a human being.

  • Self-worth is believing in your own value
  • It comes from within, not from others
  • It's like being on your own team
  • Self-esteem can come from outside sources
  • It's important to love and respect yourself


54 reads

Self-reflection questions on your "perceived worth"

Self-reflection questions on your "perceived worth"

Ask yourself the following question (much better if you write your answers down):

  1. In which situations do you tend to compare yourself with others?
  2. In what areas are you most critical of yourself?
  3. In which situations were you pretending to be someone you are not so others would like and accept you?
  4. When do you feel like your sense of self-worth increases?
  5. What is the thing you fear the most that people would say of you?
  6. When do you feel the most insecure?


47 reads

What SHOULD NOT determine your self-worth?

What SHOULD NOT determine your self-worth?

  1. Your To-Do list
  2. Your job
  3. Your social media followers
  4. Your age
  5. Your gender
  6. Your ability
  7. Your grades
  8. The number of friends you have / connections
  9. Your relationship status
  10. Your money (or lack thereof)
  11. Your possessions (bags/clothes/shoes/house/car)
  12. Your likes/preferences
  13. Other people

All of these things are temporary, a self-worth based on these things will easily crumble


50 reads

Consequences of Low Self-Worth

Consequences of Low Self-Worth

  • Depression
  • Risky behavior
  • Tolerate abusive treatment
  • Nagging sense of failure to reach you own potential

Are you suffering one or more of the things mentioned above? If yes, perhaps it is time to change the way your measure your worth


41 reads

People with GOOD SENSE OF SELF-WORTH are more likely to:

People with GOOD SENSE OF SELF-WORTH are more likely to:

  1. Believe you are good, worthy and lovable, regardless of what's happening in your life
  2. Feel deserving of love and respect from other people
  3. Accept and love yourself as you are now, with no conditions or exceptions
  4. Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with care, kindness, and respect
  5. Believe in your potential to grow, learn, change and improve
  6. Have flaws and make mistakes that don't threaten your identity or worth


41 reads

Find your TRUE WORTH with the following:

Find your TRUE WORTH with the following:

  1. Who made you?
  2. What God thinks about you?
  3. Whose you belong?


39 reads

Who Made You?

Who Made You?

The priceless worth of "Salvator Mundi" by da Vinci sold at auction for $450.3M in 2017!

Do you ever wonder about your own worth? Stop and consider the complexity of your DNA, intricacies of your body, and the vastness of the universe - all a creation of God.

Psalms 139:13 says

"For You created my innermost parts; You wove me in my mother's womb."

We are masterpieces created in God's image and cherished above all else.

Let us honor our existence and remember that we are uniquely and intentionally crafted by the ultimate Artist. 🎨✨


33 reads

Let Your Creator Define Who You Are

Let Your Creator Define Who You Are

Who can better explain a machine other than its inventor? Who can better define you other than the God who created you?

In Psalm 139:14, David said

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful, I know that full well"

This means that God carefully and uniquely created him, and everything about him is beautiful.

You are also fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Accept this truth and never let anyone make you doubt your worth. Remember that your Creator knows exactly what He is doing, and you are not an accident. 🙌


31 reads

What God Thinks About You?

What God Thinks About You?

Psalm 139:17-18

How precious also are Your thoughts for me, God!

How vast is the sum of them!

Were I to count them, they would outnumber the sand.

When I awake, I am still with You

You are precious to God. He thinks about you constantly. His thoughts for you are countless, just like the grains of sand on a beach. Whenever you feel insignificant, remember that God's thoughts for you are vast and never-ending.

Don't ever doubt your worth. God never stops thinking about you. 🙏


27 reads

God's Loving Plan for You

God's Loving Plan for You

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know His plans for you, to give you hope and a bright future.

Psalm 139:16 Even before you were born, God knew all the days that were meant for you.

Let this truth sink in: out of the 8 billion people in the world, God thinks about you and has a special plan for your life.

Why is this important? Because God is always thinking about what's good and best for you. He knows you intimately, even before you were born.

Remember, God's love for you goes beyond anything you can imagine. Trust in His plan and His ultimate goodness for your life. 🙏


22 reads

Whose You Belong?

Whose You Belong?

As God's child, you belong to Him twice: He created you and He redeemed you. This guarantees that you have His unconditional love, protection, forgiveness, acceptance, inheritance, and access to His promises. Being a child of God gives you a sense of belonging, acceptance, and assurance.

As humans, we crave a sense of belonging and acceptance. As a child of God, you have that assurance, you are loved and belong to His family.

Remember as a child of God you are..

  • Unconditionally loved
  • Protected
  • Valuable
  • Forgiven
  • Accepted
  • Provided for
  • Peace
  • Secured future
  • Never alone


19 reads

How do I become His child?

How do I become His child?

John 1:12

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name

By accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, believing that He lived, suffered and died for you, you are now a child of God. And what does a king's children called? Your guess is right! You are a prince or princess.

You are a chosen child of the one true God. Embrace this identity and remember to always trust in His love and promises for you. 💖


22 reads

Your True Worth

Your True Worth

You are worth it because you are beautifully made by the greatest artist Himself. He carefully and lovingly designed you just the way you are.

You are worth it because you are precious in God's eyes. He always thinks about you with love and sees the potential and value in you.

You are worth it because He redeemed you, bought you back from darkness, and gave you the incredible privilege to become His child. This makes you infinitely valuable and special.


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When you experience God's love and grace, you will never question your worth again



24 reads



Redeemed by Christ


How do you measure your worth? Would you like to discover your true worth? Find and keep hold of your true worth!

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