The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Deepstash

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What Does Not Giving A F*ck Mean?

What Does Not Giving A F*ck Mean?

Not giving a F*ck doesn't mean not caring at all. It means paying attention to the important things and letting go of the irrelevant stuff.

To not give a f*ck, means to choose wisely what you give your time and energy to.

  • Don't sweat the small stuff
  • Care about what truly matters to you
  • Let go of things that are out of your control

🙌 Focus your F*cks on what brings you joy and fulfillment.


905 reads


Maturity is what happens when one learns to only give a f*ck about what's truly f*ck worthy.



890 reads

Value-Driven Life

Value-Driven Life

Choose Your Values Wisely

- Focus on things that matter and improve well-being

- Give thought to where you give your attention and energy

- Develop values for long-term fulfillment, not just superficial success

- Let your values dictate your priorities and guide your actions

Remember that giving better f*cks leads to better problems and a better life.


690 reads

Uncertainty Leads To Growth

Uncertainty Leads To Growth

Embrace uncertainty and growth. Being certain can limit your potential. Accepting uncertainty is the key to progress and growing.

🎯 Nothing is certain. Trying to be certain leads to insecurity.

🌱 The unknown can be uncomfortable, but it allows for growth.

💡 Embracing uncertainty is the foundation for progress and growth.


582 reads

Pain Makes Us Stronger

Pain Makes Us Stronger

⭐️Pain often makes us stronger: it makes us more resilient and grounded. 

❤️Neglecting pain only limits us from reaching our full potential. 

💪Physical pain helps us build stronger bones and muscles, while emotional pain helps us develop resilience, self-awareness, compassion, and a happier life. 

🔑 Don't avoid pain, embrace it and use it to make yourself stronger.


505 reads


The desire for more positive is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.



512 reads

Taking Responsibility is Key to Success

Taking Responsibility is Key to Success

Why it Matters:✅

  • Fault lies in the past, but responsibility lies in the present.
  • Taking responsibility leads to personal growth and learning.
  • Blaming others only harms oneself in the long run.

How to Take Responsibility: 🌟

  1. Accept and acknowledge the role you played in the situation.
  2. Take proactive steps to make things right.
  3. Understand that you have the power to make positive change.


459 reads

Pleasure Is A False God

Pleasure Is A False God

Pleasure is not the key to happiness. It is temporary and can disappear quickly. It should not be our main focus in life. 

We must remember that obtaining material success is not the most important factor in a fulfilling life.

• Pleasure is temporary and fleeting

• Material success is not everything

• Happiness is found in values such as honesty and compassion✅


434 reads

Embrace Failure and Learn to Succeed

Embrace Failure and Learn to Succeed

As kids, we don't let failure stop us. But as we get older, we fear it more and more. We need to shift our mindset and understand the value of failure.

• Failure teaches us valuable lessons

• It leads to growth and development

• We can only truly succeed if we're willing to fail

So don't be afraid to fail, embrace it as part of the journey towards success. 💪


382 reads

Action Drives Motivation

Action Drives Motivation

🚀Most people believe that motivation comes before action, but the reality is that action is what creates motivation.

If you're struggling to find motivation, take the first step and do something, no matter how small. Use that action to ignite your motivation.🔥

  • Motivation is not magical, it comes from doing
  • Small actions can generate big results
  • Don't wait for motivation, create it with action


346 reads

Death And Legacy

Death And Legacy

Living an Authentic Life

It is important to remember that life is finite. This can inspire you to live in an authentic way and leave behind a meaningful legacy. Reflecting on mortality can be a powerful motivator.


344 reads


You are going to die, and that's because you were fortunate enough to have lived.



424 reads



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