How to Talk - Deepstash
How to Talk

How to Talk

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12 ideas


11.1K reads



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Talk like a speaker, listen like a therapist, and master the art of eloquence.



1.52K reads

How To Get The Most Out Of These Texts

How To Get The Most Out Of These Texts

Hello my name is Enviz, aka Eisen which is my real name. To get the most out of this course, you may need these tips:

  • Have notes written down
  • Apply what is learned
  • Active recall (frequently recall the knowledge you learned)


1.15K reads

The Foundation Of Speaking 🏛

The Foundation Of Speaking 🏛

Eloquence refers to a smooth talker. Persuasive, elegant, fluent, and forceful. While we can't fully be perfect in such skill, we can improve it. Here are the fundamentals, the basic building blocks you can start to grow on:

  • Cadence 🤐
  • Animation💡
  • Boldness 🟥
  • Eloquence 💎


1.07K reads

Cadence 🤐

Cadence 🤐

Cadence in essence is about pausing. Do not talk straightforward, where you ignore the commas and periods. In writing you see the (,) and (.), but in speaking you can't see it. Learn to pause, make people wait for the next sentences. Here is an example:

  • Without: I can see the clouds in the red sky move so fast past my eyes.
  • With: I can see the clouds, in the red sky, move so fast past my eyes.

(Between the two, the first had no commas, means no pauses. The second had commas, therefore you have to pause.)


977 reads


We listen to those who are about to reveal something. That is the core of cadence.



1.03K reads



Full of energy, glowing with emotions, animated gestures, are very attractive qualities. Animation is powerful and magnetic. Learning to say things with emotions, having hand gestures to give ideas, a striking gaze, an energetic voice are qualities you should adopt. Here are examples:

  • Dead: The speaker has a monotone voice, no gestures, looking down, feeling of anxiousness, and boring.
  • Alive: The speaker is with emotions, using gestures to give ideas, gazzing at the person, alert, and comfortable.

(Animation is energetic and mobile, they are comfortable)


847 reads


Animations feel alive for they move, however, those on drawings feel dead.



897 reads

Boldness 🟥

Boldness 🟥

Boldness refers to confidence and fearlessness. Confident in your communication and fearless of what they think of you. If animation and boldness are combined, you can be extremely attractive. Learn to say strong statements and not be anxious. Here is an example:

  • Timid: I think we should do this.
  • Bold: We should do this.
  • Timid: Scared of what the other person might think of him/her
  • Bold: Is secure and confident in the conversation


780 reads


Confidence is the most attractive quality to have, it's spread around the internet. Because it's obvious, it's ignored when it should be heard and learned.



772 reads

Eloquence 💎

Eloquence 💎

To be eloquent is to know what your saying. Let a person talk about what they specialize in and they will speak like a master. In essence, it's simply having knowledge on what you're talking about or knowing what to say.

  • Unknowledgable: He doesn't know what he's saying, stuttering on sentences, overall not fluent.
  • Knowledge: a general understanding on what he's saying, less stutter and akwardness, overall fluent


713 reads


A person who mastered on a single thing can speak hours about it. Without knowledge, can speak minutes.



702 reads

Ending ❤

Ending ❤

Hello guys, sorry for not uploading again. I'm getting spammed by notifications in this account (lol). I am still continuing creating content here for y'all. Please suggest some stuff for me to add. Ok me out bye bye!! 👏( 'ω' )👏( 'ω' )


657 reads



A great reader and writer.


Most of the time in our life we talk endlessly about ourselves, irritate and annoy some people, although we may speak eloquently from time to time, we may say things that repel the other person. In this guide, I'll give you the art of speaking; your words, your ideas. Master at banter.

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