Born a Crime - Deepstash

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The older you get, the more you start to realize that you can't win an argument in a relationship. You can't win a fight with your woman. Because if you lose, you lose. And if you win, you lose.



70 reads

Topics Explained

1. Apartheid and its Complexities

2. The Power of Language

3. Identity and Belonging

4. The Role of Humor in Hardship

5. Trevor’s Relationship with His Mother

6. Navigating Racial and Cultural Boundaries

7. The Impact of Poverty

8. Crime and Survival

9. Resilience and Self-Reliance

10. Overcoming Adversity


42 reads

Apartheid & Its Complexities

Trevor Noah was born during apartheid in South Africa, a system designed to enforce racial segregation. As a mixed-race child, he was literally “born a crime” because interracial relationships were illegal at the time. Noah’s personal experiences help readers understand the deep societal divisions and absurdities of apartheid.

“I was born a crime. For me to exist, my mother had to break the law.”


40 reads

The Power of Language

Language played a key role in Trevor’s survival. By mastering different languages, he could navigate the various racial groups and avoid many dangers. It gave him the power to move freely between cultures.

“Language, even more than color, defines who you are to people.”


39 reads

Identity & Belonging

Trevor’s mixed-race identity made him feel like he didn’t fully belong to any racial group. He constantly wrestled with his sense of identity, trying to find where he fit in a world structured by racial categories.

“I was the anomaly wherever I went.”


36 reads

The Role of Humor in Hardship

Despite the harsh realities of apartheid and poverty, humor became Trevor’s tool for survival. He used comedy to defuse tension and navigate the difficulties of his upbringing.

“Comedy is a great tool. We’re laughing because we’ve all experienced the same pain.”


31 reads

Trevor’s Relationship with His Mother

Trevor’s mother, Patricia, is a central figure in his life. A strong-willed, independent woman, she raised Trevor with a blend of strict discipline and rebellious defiance against apartheid’s oppressive rules. Her strength and love shaped Trevor into the person he became.

“She taught me to think for myself and to challenge authority.”


24 reads

Navigating Racial & Cultural Boundaries

Trevor frequently found himself straddling different cultural worlds. Being able to adapt to different racial and cultural environments helped him avoid conflict and thrive in a society full of divisions.

“I had to become a chameleon. To survive, you had to learn to blend in.”


25 reads

The Impact of Poverty

Growing up in poverty had a lasting impact on Trevor’s worldview. He recounts living in extreme financial hardship, but with a sense of resourcefulness and humor that enabled him to make the most of his circumstances.

“Being poor taught me how to be creative and find joy in the little things.”


24 reads

Crime & Survival

Living in a crime-ridden neighborhood, Trevor shares stories of petty theft and hustling to make ends meet. His insights into the social factors driving crime provide a nuanced understanding of how poverty leads to desperation.

“Crime is a lot like poverty. It’s just another way people survive.”


25 reads

Resilience & Self-Reliance

Despite facing overwhelming odds, Trevor’s story is one of resilience. From the challenges of apartheid to growing up without many resources, he learned to be self-reliant and persevered through determination and wit.

“I learned at an early age that no one was going to take care of me, so I had to learn to take care of myself.”


21 reads

Overcoming Adversity

The book is ultimately a testament to overcoming adversity. Trevor rose above his circumstances, using his unique perspective and talents to forge a path out of poverty and oppression, becoming a global comedian and public figure.

“My path was never easy, but every step was worth it.”


16 reads


1. Born Under Apartheid: His mixed-race birth was illegal in apartheid South Africa.

2. Language as a Key: Speaking multiple languages allowed him to bridge cultures.

3. Identity Struggles: Trevor never felt fully accepted by any race.

4. Humor as a Weapon: He used comedy to survive hardship.

5. Strong Mother Figure: His mother’s resilience shaped his outlook on life.



15 reads


6. Chameleon Survival: He adapted to different racial and cultural settings.

7. Life in Poverty: Poverty taught him creativity and resourcefulness.

8. Crime and Survival: Petty crime was a means of surviving a harsh environment.

9. Resilience: Self-reliance and determination drove his success.

10. Triumph Over Adversity: Trevor turned hardship into a global success story.



19 reads



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A gripping tale of survival, identity, and humor in apartheid-era South Africa.

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