Guide: Jungian Cognitive Functions | Personality Psychology - Deepstash
Guide: Jungian Cognitive Functions | Personality Psychology

Guide: Jungian Cognitive Functions | Personality Psychology

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Jungian Cognitive Functions

Jungian Cognitive Functions

Each function has its own name, depending on its position in the stack:

  1. Dominant (Hero/Heroine)
  2. Auxiliary (Good Parent)
  3. Tertiary (Puer/Puella)
  4. Inferior (Animus/Anima)
  5. Opposing Persona
  6. Witch/Senex
  7. Trickster
  8. Demon/Daimon


668 reads

Introverted Sensing

Introverted Sensing

Si is an associative function, and places value and meaning on memories which may resurface unknowingly to the individual. Many musicians or poets have Si in their function stack, and are able to refile their memories to produce emotionally accurate works of art.

Si is like a filing cabinet, data is stored away in the unconscious, to be used again when the occasion calls for it.


117 reads

Extraverted Sensing

Extraverted Sensing

Se takes in as much sensory information as possible from the environment to determine the next best course of action. If it fails, a backup will quickly be consulted and launched head-first into the real world.

Se rapidly and automatically scans the immediate environment for possible opportunities or threats. It is proactive, quick to react, and insanely adept in emergencies.


88 reads

Introverted Intuition

Introverted Intuition

Ni seeks to understand the entire state of affairs as a cohesive whole, to make predictions of what the future will (not may ) be like.

Flashes of creative brilliance and thorough understanding come to Ni, which appears strikingly different from any other function. It’s supremely difficult to vocalize how said realizations have surfaced from the complex workings inside the mind.


82 reads

Extraverted Intuition

Extraverted Intuition

Ne is all about new ideas, abstract connections, and a stream of never-endingWhat if? statements.

To an outsider, Ne appears wild, frenzied, and slightly nuts. During conversation, Ne readily jumps from one tangentially related idea to the next.


66 reads

Introverted Thinking

Introverted Thinking

Ti propagates and filters incoming information and sifts through inconsistencies with critical thinking. It is always open to debate, although notoriously difficult to convince or persuade. Inductive reasoning is preferred to deductive reasoning.

Ti is able to formulate larger patterns and laws to explain the unpredictable and fluctuating nature of reality.


69 reads

Introverted Feeling

Introverted Feeling

Moral judgements, stone-hard values, and clear likes/dislikes are what fuel Fi. It’s fiercely protective of people and ideas it holds dear and perceives to be meaningful or important.

Fi’s value system may take years or decades to fully mature and solidify. Introverted Feeling appreciates consistency and ethicality. It can put itself in someone else's shoes, therefore understanding the meaning of empathy.


65 reads

Extraverted Feeling

Extraverted Feeling

At the core, Fe picks up cues from the environment to know how to act in order to feel the reassurance they crave from external approval. Fe can also be a master actor, with its imitative superpowers. Fe seeks to belong to the larger collective.


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