Expensive creams and potions won't make you more beautiful - Deepstash
How To Have a Good Night

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How To Have a Good Night

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Expensive creams and potions won't make you more beautiful

Expensive creams and potions won't make you more beautiful

Author Timothy Caulfield spent years researching the science behind celebrity health and beauty tips. He found that most beauty products had either no data behind them or very small and unreliable studies to back up the fantastical claims.

Using beauty products in your daily routine is not bad, but the promises they carry on their labels are probably bunk. When they come with heavy price tags, you're probably getting ripped off.


61 reads


Giving your 16 year-old-self advice

Giving your 16 year-old-self advice

When we are young, we are more vulnerable to fashion and teen monthlies targeted at women. Their glossy pages offer an escape from our dreary lives.

While women's magazines offer celebrity-centred advice, it is never evidence-based. Instead, it has largely frivolous, unhelpful, false and o...


119 reads

You don't need to be super strict about your diet

There's no need to aim for perfection in your diet 100 per cent of the time. Restrictive diets are unsustainable and often backfire.

Yet women's magazines fixate on strict eating patterns. Whatever the trend, you'll find it in the pages of these magazines. Offering short-term perfection se...


77 reads

Achieving a healthy weight

Achieving a healthy weight

You won't achieve a healthy weight through buying a particular product or going on a crash diet.

Women's magazines have pages on how to lose weight fast or maintain a healthy body size using some new product or trend. Actual claims on the covers of Women's Health magazines,...


65 reads

Celebrities aren't good sources of health information

Women's magazines uncritically show faddish health advice from celebrities. Beyonce is held up as the go-to authority on the vegan lifestyle. InStyle states it is the reason behind her "#flawless" looks and "killer curves." Gwyneth Paltrow's popular gimmicks include 


58 reads

You shouldn't aspire to look like Kim Kardashian

You shouldn't aspire to look like Kim Kardashian

Women's magazines sell the idea that we can all look better. It usually involves looking like someone famous like Kim Kardashian.

However, we look like ourselves. Only Kim Kardashian looks like Kim Kardashian. Her career depends on beautifying her face and body. And even she doesn't...


66 reads

Smoking isn't glamorous

Women's magazines may give so-called health advice, but they still carry ads from cigarette companies that depict smoking as a glamorous exercise for beautiful people.

Given what we know about the harms of smoking,

  • that it is one of the worst things you can do for your health,


54 reads

Exercise doesn't have to be annoying or overly complex

Many women's magazines depict exercise as a daunting task. Exercise often requires fancy gym clothes and lots of time and discipline to give you an "awesome body wherever you go."

However, exercise is something that gives you energy, lifts your mood, and makes you feel strong and healthy. E...


70 reads

Unless you're a heroin addict, you probably don't need to detox

Unless you're a heroin addict, you probably don't need to detox

The pages of women's magazines are filled with diets and products that supposedly help you "cleanse your body." This includes clarifying shampoo, detoxifying salads and juices, supplements, enemas, and even colon cleanses.

Science-based medicine had long rejected the concept of a detox othe...


65 reads

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