Motivated Reasoning - Deepstash
The Philosophy Of Alan Watts

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The Philosophy Of Alan Watts

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Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning

Motivated reasoning describes how we let our beliefs mold our perception of the world, ensuring that we see things as we are, not as they are.

When we add a belief to our arsenal, evidence for why it’s true begins compounding. Even if provided with proof that disproves these beliefs, we will interpret such evidence in ways that support our currently held narratives.

The human brain is not a level playing field for rational decision-making. The myth that we are reasonable creatures stems from the incorrect assumption that our brains are, by default, instruments of logic.


768 reads



We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right.



811 reads

The Availability Heuristic

The availability heuristic is a method of making decisions based on familiar facts - anything that has left a lasting impression on our minds.

There is too much information circulating in society to evaluate the truth of each point or lack thereof. To combat this, we create mental shortcuts...


1.12K reads

Ignorance and Self-Restraint Are Both Viable Options

Ignorance and Self-Restraint Are Both Viable Options

Knowing something does not imply that you will act rationally on it.

Willpower isn't always up to the challenge of resisting temptation.

Preventing yourself from acting on temptation is one approach to fighting it.

If you go shopping after you've eaten, for example, it's much ea...


877 reads

Ignorance To Combat Bias

Ignorance To Combat Bias

Selective ignorance can also be used to combat bias. That is why jury members are not allowed to see inadmissible evidence obtained through coercion or hearsay.

Good scientists also protect their work from bias by performing double-blind studies in which they are unaware of which patients r...


809 reads

The Genetic Fallacy

The Genetic Fallacy

The genetic fallacy describes accepting a claim as true or false solely based on its origin. An idea's source doesn’t validate or invalidate its claim to truth, yet it is one of the most prevalent fallacies you will encounter in the 21st century.


709 reads

Myopic Discounting

Myopic Discounting

Myopic discounting is the reversal of preference based on the distance to the reward. Its name derives from myopia, which means a lack of discernment or foreseeing. 

The preference reversal is called myopic, or nearsighted, because we see an attractive temptation that is near to us in time ...


652 reads

Rationality Is a Tool for Achieving a Goal

Rationality Is a Tool for Achieving a Goal

The definition of rational, according to dictionaries, is "having a reason." And the term reason derives from the Latin word ratio, which means "reason."

Rationality, according to philosophers, is the ability to use information to achieve goals. 

The term "knowledge" ...


1.9K reads

The Conjunction Fallacy

The Conjunction Fallacy

The conjunction fallacy occurs when a person assumes that specific conditions are more likely than a single general one. 

‍What are people thinking? A class of events described by a single statement can be generic and abstract, with nothing for the mind to hold on to. A class of events desc...


1.33K reads

Bayesian Reasoning: Probabilistic Thinking

Bayesian Reasoning: Probabilistic Thinking

Bayes’ rule or Bayes’ Theorem is the law of probability governing the strength of evidence—the rule saying how much to revise our probabilities (change our minds) when we learn a new fact or observe new evidence.

Probabilistic thinking means avoiding absolutes. When we expr...


984 reads

Rationality: What Sets Humans Apart From Other Species

Rationality: What Sets Humans Apart From Other Species

  • Rationality is a tool for achieving a goal.
  • Rationality aids in the decision-making process.
  • Ignorance and self-restraint are both viable options.
  • Science is the application of logic to the real world.
  • We become less partial — and more sensible – as a result o...


2.85K reads

The Bandwagon Fallacy

The Bandwagon Fallacy

According to the bandwagon fallacy, something is true simply because it is popular; therefore, the popularity of something validates its truth.

Product advertisers use this ploy every time they use phrases like “most popular,” despite the fact that the popularity of a product is irrelevant ...


692 reads

Our Judgements Are Mostly Irrational

Our Judgements Are Mostly Irrational

The media has amplified our irrational judgments. One classic example is the safety of flying versus driving.

The world’s roads account for 1.3 million fatal accidents each year, while plane crashes kill 250 people. 

We hear about the single plane crash of the year, but not about the ...


1.04K reads

Appeal To Emotion Fallacy

Appeal To Emotion Fallacy

When someone makes a claim to promote an emotional response rather than provide relevant facts to support their argument, they commit the appeal to emotion fallacy.

While arguments often contain emotional components, the appeal to emotion fallacy occurs when a person uses emotion to manipul...


610 reads

Guilty by Association

Guilty by Association

When we pass judgment on someone simply because they are associated with someone we already have an opinion about, this is known as the guilty by association, or association fallacy.

If there is a particular podcast host we dislike because of their terrible takes, every guest of theirs may ...


617 reads

The Affective Fallacy

The Affective Fallacy

In literary criticism, the affective fallacy refers to evaluating works based on the effect they have on the reader, who is free to reject anything deemed harmful, hurtful, or uncomfortable. The opposite is equally true. Although often described as a literary criticism term, the fallacy applies t...


663 reads


The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.



750 reads

Hyperbolic Discounting

Hyperbolic Discounting

Hyperbolic discounting is closely related to myopic discounting and points out our tendency to choose immediate rewards over future ones, even when the immediate rewards are smaller. Succumbing to this tendency results in poor decision-making because it promotes impulsivity and immediate gratific...


647 reads

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias causes us to focus on the information that reinforces our beliefs while ignoring or distorting disconfirming evidence. Part of this reasoning is our tendency to treat ideas like possessions, things we wish to retain at all costs.

People are often more concerned with winnin...


697 reads

Rationality Is Merely a Means to An Aim

Rationality Is Merely a Means to An Aim

When one path is blocked, we may always attempt another. This is human rationality in action.

Reason is a tool for achieving a goal. 

Passions are the source of goals. That is, feelings such as love, rage, pride, envy, and fear stem from desires, drives, and emotions like love, anger,...


1.51K reads



Biases distort our cognitive system and prevent us from making rational decisions. The myth that we are reasonable creatures stems from the incorrect assumption that our brains are, by default, instruments of logic. Through analyzing the most common cognitive fallacies, we’re taken on a journey through the mechanics of the mind towards the root of our irrationality, which the author argues is due to motives shaping our judgment.

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Biases That Influence Us Subconsciously

  • Bias from mere association seeing situations as identical because they seem similar.
  • Self-serving bias: Overly positive view of our abilities and future.
  • Confirmation bias: Looking for evidence that confirms our actions and b...

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