Step 2: Practice witnessing the ego as an observer - Deepstash
Step 2: Practice witnessing the ego as an observer

Step 2: Practice witnessing the ego as an observer

When we are triggered, our mind starts spinning dreadful stories about the current situation, and that's what's causing that reaction.

So if we can teach ourselves in that moment to see that story as separate and to observe that story as something our ego is telling us, then over time we get to show up in that moment and choose to respond in a new way by choosing a new narrative.

This doesn't happen overnight. The more we observe our ego, the stories, the narrative, or the meaning that we’re assigning, the more we can practice separating ourselves and making room for a new response.


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'If you can dream it, you can do it'- Walt Disney.

"Our triggers are teachers. Our work is just to see them that way." Dr. Nicole LePera

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