6. Importance of Starting. - Deepstash
6. Importance of Starting.

6. Importance of Starting.

If you want to master something, simply start. Repetition is better than a perfect plan. Quantity leads to quality. The right question is not “how long will it take to form a new habit?” but “how many will it take to form a new habit?


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An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones.

Similar ideas to 6. Importance of Starting.

Repetition and habits

Habits can form very quickly. For instance, give someone a new phone, and their emotional response to using the device will wire in a habit very quickly. There is no need for repetition.

New habits then form as long as people have a strong positive emotion connected to the new beh...

The "I'll start tomorrow" trap

The "I'll start tomorrow" trap

When there is a new habit to form or a new project to work on, the human tendency is to say, "I'll start tomorrow", or "I'll start on Monday."

We get a payoff when we delay important actions and promise that we will do it at some perfect time in the near future.

Committing to actually starting

Overcome your mind's resistance to get started by saying, "I'm all in. I'm going to start today." Then get moving. If you're not good at this, commit to making a small habit change this instant.

Many people want to learn a language or start exercising, but then don't t...

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