Find Yourself - Deepstash
Find Yourself

Find Yourself

The very first step is finding your "abilities", "limits" to push pass them.

This can be achieved by

  1. Write down what future lifestyle you want
  2. Now that you know your objective, make list of abilities to aquire this goal.
  3. Achieve these abilities step by step, focusing one at a time, building them as a habit.


28 reads




A normal human being, observing things ,finding insights psychologically and sharing experiences.

We live in a world where most people accept whatever life throws at them & not fight back this mediocre lifestyle & mindset. This is the guide to escape this mediocrity & unleash your full potential.

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Find what works for you

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To get started:

  • Write down three goals you have for the next year.
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Managing Oneself

Focusing on our strengths, understanding them and finding true purpose is a two-step exercise:

  1. Ask yourself what you are good at.
  2. Ask yourself if you enjoy that activity.

Write down what insights come to you in a journal. With...

Focus on what matters

  • Write down the end goal.
  • Divide the goal into specific actions you need to take to get there. Think in terms of systems: focussed, routine actions that you can do daily.
  • List all your tasks and rank them according to effort and impact. This makes prioritizing tasks easier.

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