Trust the Gut - Deepstash
Trust the Gut

Trust the Gut

Most people do what society tells them to do. Do what you love the most, whether it be writing, teaching, starting a YouTube channel, becoming a historian regardless of how much it pays or how much respect it brings you.

Money and fame is not in your hands. Allah has already written the money and fame you are going to receive, so why not do something you love.

Your gut tells the truth. The Gut Feeling is just a thought from your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a very complex machine.

A thought from the subconscious mind is a sign from the Universe, The God.


149 reads




Writer | Content Creator | Physics Lover | Programmer | Muslim

If you are like me, you constantly think about things. Our brain forces us to think, because it is necessary for survival. But what we don’t realize is that, this thinking is destroying us. Let me explain.

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