The Secret To You - Deepstash
The Secret To You

The Secret To You

• Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want. 

• You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed—it just changes form. Therefore, the pure essence of you has always been and always will be. 

• The Universe emerges from thought. We are the creators not only of our own destiny but also of the Universe. 

• An unlimited supply of ideas is available to you. All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are in the Universal Mind as possibilities, 👇🏻


230 reads




🗡️Obsessed with learning and books. Likes physical activities and love human beings and dogs.🌸

This book will help you understand life and the power of your thoughts and positive thinking.

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