Be A Good Listener - Deepstash
Be A Good Listener

Be A Good Listener

Encourage others to talk about themselves. Listening attentively demonstrates respect, builds trust, and helps you understand their perspectives.


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Being a good listener

Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Self-disclosure is extra rewarding, neuroscience research shows. People are even willing to forgo money in order to talk about themselves.

8. Be A Good Listener

But how do you listen? Effective listening is about more than just passively receiving information. Instead, you need to show the other person that you’re listening.

The following body language shows that you’re listening:

  • Turning toward the person (don’t stare ...

👂🏻Become a good listener

👂🏻Become a good listener

People like to talk about themselves and they like to be heard so when it comes to social interactions you want to be the type of person who asks more question and who listen to get in that other person's spirit.

For example when I want to date with the girl I'm probably speaking 2...

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