Tracking Progress - Deepstash
Tracking Progress

Tracking Progress

Monitoring your habits helps maintain accountability and provides motivation. Whether it’s a habit tracker app or a simple journal, tracking progress keeps you aware and engaged in the process.


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Habit tracking

Habit tracking

Is a simple and effective thing to do if you want to stick with a habit for good. No matter the format (calendar, journal, app), it provides immediate evidence whether you are making progress or need to change course.

3.d. Implementation: Cultivating Discipline

Identify a Keystone Habit: Choose one small habit that you believe will have a positive ripple effect on your discipline. This could be making your bed each morning, a simple task that sets a tone of accomplishment.


Effectively Tracking Habits

  • You can use tracking apps, sheets or a journal to track your behavior.
  • Decide which habits you want to track.
  • Decide on a timeframe for tracking.
  • Set a target for how many times you want to successfully follow each habit in your chosen timeframe.
  • Decide on whi...

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