Practice Digital Detox Periods - Deepstash

Practice Digital Detox Periods

Schedule specific times during the day to disconnect from all digital devices. Use this time to read, meditate, or simply relax without distractions.


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New Ideas Every Tuesday I am a passionate writer who finds joy in crafting words that inspire, inform, and captivate. With a natural talent for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, I create narratives that resonate deeply with readers.

In a world that often feels overwhelming, maintaining a positive outlook can be challenging. However, by integrating unique and mindful habits into your daily routine, you can cultivate a resilient, positive mindset. Here are eleven innovative strategies to help you keep positivity intact every day.

Similar ideas to Practice Digital Detox Periods

Have ‘detox’ periods

Schedule regular multi-day breaks from social media. 

  • Several studies have shown that even a five-day or week-long break from Facebook can lead to lower stress and

Have “detox” periods

Even a five-day or weeklong break from Facebook can lead to lower stress and higher life satisfaction

Publicly declare you are on a break. And delete the apps for your favorite social media services.

You can also cut back without going cold turkey: limit your use of so...

Overstimulation is the enemy of focus

Overstimulation is the enemy of focus

Instead of trying to fit more in, allowing our mind space to wander and come up with ideas & plans that make us more effectively productive.

To feel the effect, try this for 2 weeks (because research shows it takes about 8 days for the mind to fully calm down & rest):


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