Use the Two-Minute Rule ... - Deepstash

  • Use the Two-Minute Rule : If a task takes two minutes or less, do it immediately. Helps you quickly tackle minor tasks and build momentum. Example: "Respond to a quick email or file a document right away."
  • Create a Productive Environment : Minimize distractions in your workspace. Ensure you have all the tools and resources you need.Example: "Work in a quiet room and keep your desk organized."


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A student with a passion for personal growth and lifelong learning.

Welcome to Day 5 of our Personal Development Course! Today, we tackle the common challenge of procrastination to overcome it and manage your time better, and boost your productivity. Start implementing these techniques today to stay on track and achieve your goals.

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Advantages of the two-minute rule

  • The two-minute rule is simple and straightforward to implement.
  • It prevents procrastination before it starts. Instead of adding a task to a list to do in the future, it can be done now.
  • It creates momentum. Doing a small t...

The advantages of the 2 minute rule

The advantages of the 2 minute rule

  1.  With the 2 minute rule, there's no complex workflow, 4x4 grid, or inbox to input your tasks. It's simple and straightforward: Do the quick task quickly
  2. Instead of adding a task to a list and finding time in the near or distant future to complete it, ac...

Tasks you can complete in two minutes

Communicate quickly. Never hold up communication with these two-minute responses:

  • Respond to an email or text message.
  • Respond to a work message.
  • Provide a requested approval or sign-off.

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