Quote by FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE - Deepstash

And be on your guard against the good and the just! They would rather crucify those who create their own virtue — they hate the solitary ones.

Be on your guard, also, against holy simplicity! All that is not simple is unholy to it; it likes to play with fire and burn — at the stake.

And be on your guard, also, against the assaults of your love! Too readily does the recluse offer his hand to any one he meets.

To many you may not give a hand, but only a paw; and I want your paw to have claws.

But the worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself; you ambush yourself in caverns and forests.



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“An idea is something that won’t work unless you do.” - Thomas A. Edison

“The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself.”

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Lessons From Self Made Billionaires

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The value of hard work and persistence

How to stay focused on long-term goals

How to learn from failures and setbacks

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