3 — Method-Friendly - Deepstash
3 — Method-Friendly

3 — Method-Friendly

The goal should align with a method that makes it achievable.

Look, I told you DUMB goals reject everything about SMART goals. And for most things, it’s true. But they have a touchpoint — this one.

You can’t set a goal and never adopt any method or strategy to achieve it. But while SMART goals give it to you, DUMB goals only say you should have one.

It doesn’t matter which strategy you use. You can even use the SMART strategy if you wish. But you must have one. Otherwise, you will never advance towards your goal.

And all the motivation you build is useless if you procrastinate — a waste of time.


52 reads




Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @ www.cosmopolitanmindset.com

I've relied on SMART goals my whole life. But everything changed when I tried DUMB goals.

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