2. Use external motivators to push you toward success - Deepstash

2. Use external motivators to push you toward success

  1. Choose an accountability partner or group to help you commit to achieving your goal. A person or people who hold you accountable, encourage you and let you know when to lift your game – someone you don’t want to disappoint.
  2. Invest in your personal development to help you achieve your goal. Subscribe to a gym membership, enroll in courses or hire a life coach.
  3. Give someone money and tell them not to return it until you complete a certain task or reach a goal. Now you will take action!
  4. Promise yourself a reward if you complete a task or reach a goal.


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"Finish What You Start" starts with an exploration of why we often fail to complete tasks. Peter Hollins highlights the common problem of starting projects with enthusiasm but losing momentum as we go along. He identifies key psychological factors, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and lack of self-discipline, that contribute to this behavior.


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