What Is The Habit Loop? - Deepstash
What Is The Habit Loop?

What Is The Habit Loop?

The Habit Loop is a three-step process that explains how habits form and stick over time. It consists of the Cue, Routine, and Reward. This loop helps you build positive, lasting behaviors.


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Founder @ Habitur - data-driven habit tracking Founder & Lead Writer @ EdEfficiency - a productivity blog for students Website Developer, Entrepreneur

This short explains the habit loop, a foundational topic in habit formation. Read on to get a distilled breakdown of the concept, and learn where you should focus most.

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1. How Habits Work

1. How Habits Work

Habits can be changed if we understand their mechanisms.

The basal ganglia, a part of the brain, stores and executes our habits independently of other brain functions, allowing us to perform routines without conscious thought.

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