The Terracotta Army - Deepstash
The Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was obsesed by imortality. He it said to have been traveling the country in search of a cure for death and took mercury to prolong his life (he died of mercury poisoning). 

Discovered in 1974, the terracota army made of 6k real sized soldiers, is though to be the army supposed to protect the emperor after death. Study of the site showed amazing tech achivements, hinting at the superiority of the Qin army: 

  • weapons had replacable parts which meant they understood standardization 
  • powerful, automated crosbows were found, which was a very poweful weapon by that time.


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Life-long learner. Passionate about leadership, entrepreneurship, philosophy, Buddhism & SF. Founder @deepstash.

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