tips on boosting confidence - Deepstash
tips on boosting confidence

tips on boosting confidence

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disclaimer : some of these may not work for you as everyone is different and we all embrace our own comfort zones and limits ! these are just suggestions / starting points


798 reads

fake it till’ you make it

fake it till’ you make it

pretend to have an optimistic mindset and that you’re better than everyone else . eventually , your confidence should improve as you already know how it is to have confidence .


955 reads

find the root of your ( lack of ) confidence

find the root of your ( lack of ) confidence

think of reasons why your confidence has been damaged in the past / why your confidence has boosted in the past - is it a friend’s encouragement ? is it while working on an enjoyable hobby ? or rather is it a classmate’s insult ? is it a particular experience ? whatever it may be , try to patch up the broken wounds and always focus on what makes you the happiest .


758 reads

befriend failure

prepare yourself for setbacks but don’t let them control you . if you haven’t failed , you haven’t tried . we’re way too used viewing the narrative of success being a smooth, one-way trip . but in reality , every journey brings its ups and downs , and you won’t feel truly accomplished unless you’ve overcome challenges . in order to be successful , you need to be comfortable with the possibility of failure and realise it’s inevitable . the more you fail , the stronger you become .


651 reads

focus on your strengths

focus on your strengths

people who lack confidence tend to focus on their weaknesses . instead , make a list of your strengths , achievements , and talents ( and be honest ) . try telling yourself daily affirmations and remember embrace all of your characteristics and passions . everyone is born into this world with a completely unique set of talents and gifts - use them to your advantage !


585 reads

empower yourself with style

empower yourself with style

wear clothes that make you feel good , look good , and that you enjoy wearing . listen to music that you enjoy , whether or not it’s a ‘ popular ’ or ‘ overrated ’ song . walk with confidence and a good posture . never lie to ‘ fit in ’ with your peers .


585 reads

don’t care of what others think of you

the people who you’re scared of embarrassing yourself in front of aren’t going to remember every time you’ve messed up . do what you do most , be yourself , and if some people aren’t here to accept that , it’s completely their problem , not yours .


541 reads

confront your feelings rather than avoiding them

it’s best to stay completely raw and true to yourself about these provocative inner conflicts . that way , you can identify the root cause and migrate them from spiralling . ways to confront your true feelings include writing a diary , talking to a trusted family member , and so on .


517 reads

adapt a growth mindset and set goals

adapt a growth mindset and set goals

what is a growth mindset ?

in a growth mindset , people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - brains and talent are just the starting point . this view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

the goals established should be realistic , time-bound , and achievable having put in effort / time . having a growth mindset encourages you to view ‘ failure ’ in a different light , motivating you to look at it as a helpful lesson for the future .


452 reads

challenge your dark thoughts and think critically

challenge your dark thoughts and think critically

learn to question things . ask yourself upon making certain decisions - is this going to set me back from my dreams or propel me forward ? if yes , then trust your instinct and follow the path you choose to and believe you should . if not , it doesn’t hurt to take a try . however , if you’re not sure yet , you can always talk to someone you trust .


430 reads

surround yourself with positive , encouraging people

surround yourself with positive , encouraging people

they say ‘ you are what you eat ’ . well , you’re also what you surround yourself with ! that infectious happiness radiating from your friends lights up everyone’s ( include your ) day . never surround yourself with negative people : they only drain your energy evermore and decrease your confidence .


451 reads

listen to other people’s stories about overcoming insecurities

sometimes what we really need as a source of inspiration is hearing other people’s success journeys , and how they optimised their adversities into an opportunity to gain in life . we should put those opportunities to good use and feel inspired by them .


445 reads

be proud of your progress : no matter big or small

be proud of your progress : no matter big or small

everyone’s at a different stage in life and dealing with different situations - congratulate yourself for making it this far ! i know your younger self would be so proud of who you are today . we all are at our most days lived , and to have been here has not been a smooth , easy ride . looking back , seeing the amount of challenges you have already overcomed boosts your confidence and pushes you to do your best .


446 reads

here are some facts that may boost your confidence

-have you ever felt that 90 % of the world may dislike you and find you unattractive ? ( that’s a lie of course ) but if 90 % of the world thinks you’re unattractive then 75 million people still find you attractive

-people see you 20 % more attractive than you see yourself

-if you look weird in selfies , it’s because the front camera flips the camera . on the contrary , if you look weird in photos taken by others , find the angle and lighting that suits you best


551 reads


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